Saturday, June 1, 2019

Making the World a Better Place with My Communications Degree Essay

Various people throughout my educational pursuit hold asked me, What can you do with a degree in Communications? My answer is, I can do many things but mostly I pauperism to deliver messages in found to help others. I am a networker by nature and I want to use that skill in order to help initiate overbearing change. In order to capitalize on my innate persuasive talents, I feel I must strive to spill the beans to people and not at people. Anyone can talk but a true communicator can extract information and talent from others and shed a positive light on an issue or a cause. I want to be that communicator. The historical progress of communication has gone from face-to-face grunts, groans and body language, to subvert paintings, to print media and now to genial media whereby you can reach virtually anyone in the world. What has not changed be key points, first you must get the other society to hear your message, secondly the message must be received and interpreted and there mu st be a form of feedback and participation for the message to be successful. I remember my first State College Communication epiphany was realizing that to be a good communicator, you must be a good listener. Communication, particularly in the social media age is a continuous loop of realization that the sender of a message is simultaneously a receiver of message. Without this sender/receiver loop, a somebody is not communicating with another. When I think of communication, I look to Maslows hierarchy of Needs for answers. Abraham Maslow developed a model presenting human needs showtime with the most basic and advancing to those that motivate and foster personal development. The stages are biological and physical, Safety, Belonging and love, Esteem, and lastly Self-actualizat... ...tions and 9) Interaction posture-otherwise known as the ability to reply to others in a descriptive, nonevaluative and nonjudgmental manner (Lustig & Koester, 2010).Armed with the tools I obtained at State College, I am ready to go out into this complex and raise world to be a vessel for social change and economic development. I will assist start-up companies as well as small companies that are struggling to enter social media promotion. As a former non-profit director and volunteer, I will extend my volunteer work to include cultural competencies and strategies to gain ground health, prosperity and cultural tolerance. Works CitedMiller, K. (2012). Organizational communication approaches and processes. (Sixth Ed.). BostonLustig, M. & Koester, J. (2010). Intercultural competence Interpersonal communication across cultures. (Sixth Ed.) Boston

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