Friday, June 14, 2019

Check the file i sent Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Check the file i sent - Assignment ExampleGod is real, a truth and exists because he is conceivable to the human fountainhead, he is conceivable to Descartes mind. Just as explained in Meditation1 all things that Descartes grew up to believe in was challenged and a new system of legal opinions which had no doubt in them were established, present the existence of God is justified through doubtless belief. My thesis builds on Descartes primary logic that whatever the mind can conceive and facilitates the propagation of the belief exists. Therefore my understanding states that both God and Evil colossus exist as it can be conceived with distinct attributes and qualities. The Thesis states that God exists, because it is he who is set these thoughts and it is he who is responsible for the author has come to be, i.e., his birth as a human being, his existence and his life. Similarly as stated in Meditation 1 No, surely I must exist if its me who is convinced of something. But there is a ratr supremely powerful ad cunning, whose aim is to get hold that I am always deceived. (Descartes, 1641, p.137) This goes to show the authors belief that the Evil Demon exists. Would Descartes think that his having an imagination of the Evil Demon proves that the Evil Demon exists? Descartes states that the Evil Demon exists, as the deceiver, as a sublime thought in a human mind to constantly question the existence of one self, about the realism of ones physiologic structure (i.e., eyes, hands, legs, head etc) and natural habitat like land, water, air, wind, earth etc. The Evil Demon exists as a core that tries to disprove that he exists. The author concludes by saying that, thus having fully weighed every consideration, I must finally conclude that the statement I am. I exist (Descartes, 1641, p.138) whenever I state or mentally consider it. Another perspective of Evil Demons existence is based on the precede of Descartes system of thoughts and the point that presentatio nal reality determines the strength of the case for the existence of an object of thought the Evil Demon exists because of having a concrete idea with easy presentational reality of the Evil Demon. The fact that Descartes can have a clear idea of the Evil Demon together with all its attributes of evil, malice, loathness, craftiness etc leads to the fact that the Evil Demon exists. It is a thought that comes from within and is clear and distinct. Just like there is a supremely powerful and good power that we conjure God, who is the source of all truth, there is an evil demon, supremely powerful and cunning who works as hard as he possibly can to deceive the author (Descartes, Knowledge and Reality, Meditation 1, p. 138). Why did Descartes think that his having an idea of God proves God exists? Descartes primary approach is to withdraw his senses and empty his mind of thoughts of all physical things that he has seen so far in life like objects, people, things and articles. He either empties his mind from it or writes them off as non-existent and not real. The fact that he can comprehend the concept of God clearly and distinctly is the basis for the argument that God exists. The idea of God is planted in his mind and this idea is clear, distinct and makes him certain. Therefore, according to Descartes, God exists. Descartes believes that whatever he thinks exists due to the connection of the outer reality and its logical conclusions with the inner reality of our imaginations. The very fact that the mind can comprehend God as a super power capable of making anything happen is

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