Tuesday, June 4, 2019

John Miltons Faith and Use of Literary Devices

joke Miltons Faith and Use of Literary DevicesMany of John Miltons poetry return religious subjects, as well as much of the literature during the Early Modern Period. Milton grew up a normal life, and attended school and universities. Afterwards Milton wed a woman who left him soon subsequently the marriage and the two were divorced. Later on, she came back and the two reconciled. In the later social classs of Milton lost many a(prenominal) another(prenominal) loved ones including the loose of his father, his father-in-law. Miltons eyesight grew worse, and by 1661 Milton had become blind (Jokinen). After losing his eyesight, Milton similarly lost his first wife, daughter, son, second wife, and another daughter (Jokinen). Through every last(predicate) of this, Milton kept his credence, and wrote many verse forms that illustrated that he had faith in God and dedicated many poems to his lost loved ones. The common literary devices and subjects that John Milton uses in enlight enment Lost, How in short Hath condemnation, and When I Consider How My Light is Spent leave a stronger representation of Miltons faith, and how through the tough life that Milton lived he remained a religious man. iodin of the well- cheatn poems that Milton wrote is Paradise Lost. In this epic poem, Milton uses many literary devices to illustrate his faith in God. In Paradise Lost, Milton uses vision, diction, and religious subjects to show the strong curse Milton retained throughout his life. Throughout Paradise Lost, Miltons use of vision, diction, and the subject of the epic poem represents Miltons strong faith. Paradise Lost also illustrates redemption. This was because Miltons faith reflected redemption, especially with his finds on divorce. Milton believed that divorce was ok certain applications.In the beginning of Book I, the poem picks up in the middle of a narrative where Satan had just travel from Heaven along with the band of angels. In Book 1, Satan states that Me preferring, His utmost power with adverse power opposed/ In dubious battle on the plains of Heavn/ And shook his throne (Milton, Paradise Lost 949). With this few lines Satan is informing his followers that Satan himself in one case clashed against God. With this clash against God, Satan once had a break of conquer God. Milton uses imagery in lines 102-105 of Paradise Lost to bring images of this mighty battle to the readers mind (Milton, Paradise Lost 949). Milton is trying to get people to infer battles that he once faced in his own life. Satan states in lines 258-262 of Paradise Lost that Here at least/ we shall be free th Almighty hath not built/ Here for his envy, give not drive us hence / Here we may persist secure, and in my choice/ To reign is worth ambition though in Hell (Milton, 953). Milton uses diction here to express Satans thinker that control in Hell is far better than adoration in Heaven, but this is all a lie that Satan tells his followers. Milton uses imag ery and diction in these lines to convey the evil that Satan beholds. Book I finally presents Satan as the defeater of his followers.In Book IX Milton has diminished Satan from a hero. When Satan objectiveizes the beauty that Earth beholds, Satan mourns because he has ruined his chances of sprightliness on Earth as Adam and Eve once did. Whenever Satan saw Eve, Satan becomes flabbergasted by Eves beauty. Whenever Satan starts to realize that beauty of the Earth, this seems to be a reminder to Milton that even though he had lost many things in life, that Milton should be thankful for what he pipe down had. Milton seems to use his diction to convey the idea that he should be happy with what he has, and not to lose faith or to do anything that he would regret later on in Miltons like. While Milton continued to write faithful poetry throughout his life, Milton seemed to have never lost faith, and to commit something that may had regretted later in his life. Later on in Paradise Lost , Milton expresses that Satan was invincible, and by the love of God, Satan was at least able to see the beauty in Adam and Eve. Milton uses imagery to visualise Satan as the commander of his demons, and then Satan proposes to build a palace called Pandemonium. In line 754 of Paradise Lost Milton uses the images of the trumpets sound that pack the air, which acts as a fanfare for Satan (Milton, 1014). These images create a picture of how great Satan was, and that no matter how big an evil Satan was, it still does not make you invincible to God. All throughout Paradise Lost, there are examples of how Milton uses his diction, imagery, and his religious subjects that exemplify the faith that Milton had to make it through his hard clock times.another(prenominal) poem by Milton is How currently Hath Time, which uses literary devices to convey Miltons strong faith in God. As with most of all of Miltons poetry, there are references to God, Heaven, and spirits. This sonnet is approxima tely when Milton was in his twenties and how he thought that he was not as blessed as other people his age were. In the first octet lines of the sonnet, Milton gives the reasons that he has to blame God and lose faith, but the sonnet is resolved in the last four lines. The diction and imagery that Milton uses in How in short Hath Time, illustrates that though Milton is depressed about how life has turned out to be at this young age, Milton still does not blame God. Even in the end of the poem in lines 9-14 of How Soon Hath Time Milton uses a turn and his diction to illustrate, that even in the end Milton is the same (Milton, How Soon Hath Time 942). In turn of the sonnet, Milton realizes that magical spell he does not have the life that he may want, in the end he will be on the same level as people less and more fortunate than him. This is what keeps Miltons faith he realizes that his short physical life is not worth worrying over, because as long as he keeps faith in God, the rew ard of heaven is for him as long as he keeps faith in God.Milton also uses imagery in How Soon Hath Time to convey Miltons strong sense of faith. Lines 1-3 of How Soon Hath Time How soon hath time the subtle thief of youth, /Stoln on his wing my three and twentieth twelvemonth/My hasting days fly on with full career, depicts how Milton is giving human traits to his time (Milton, 942). Milton is using imagery to express that someone stole his youth and that his 23rd year is stolen on a wing, and that his days are passing by at a fast pace. According to David Miller, Milton uses personification to convey the imagery that is created in the lines 1-3 of How Soon Hath Time (Miller, 3). Whenever the reader reads lines 1-3 of How Soon Hath Time, there is the image of a bird that has stolen Miltons youth, and finally the bird flies off with the rest of Miltons days (Milton, 942). This stealing of Miltons time also represents the people that Milton had lost throughout his life. Milton lost t wo wives, three children, which means that he felt that time he had with his lost ones went by so quick such as if a bird had came and swept them away. However, in the end of the sonnet, Milton uses a turn that shows even though that the bird has stolen his time he still keeps his faith in God, knowing that all is well and equal in the end in the Gods eye.Miltons use of literary devices in How Soon Hath Time illustrates that even through tribulations Milton still is a faithful man in God. Milton uses his diction to swear out create imagery that stimulates all the senses that convey to the reader on how Milton feels about his faith and his beliefs in God.Milton also wrote another poem that uses literary devices to show his strong faith called When I Consider How My Light is Spent. Milton wrote this sonnet after he had become completely blind. The main plot behind this sonnet is that even through the obstacles that Milton encountered, Milton still regained strength in his faith. Milt on used diction and imagery among other literary devices to convey that he had a strong faith that was unbroken by problems that he encountered.According to Russell Hillier, Milton uses an allegory with the bible to create imagery in When I Consider How My Light Is Spent (Hillier, 7). In line 11, the poem parallels the bible with Matthew 1130 with My yoke is promiscuous, and my burden is light (Milton, When I Consider How My Light Is Spent 944). This parallel with bible creates imagery by creating a sense of sight for Milton, as he is a blind man. It also allows the reader to gain more understanding of how the Milton feels about his self. Milton does not look at his blindness as a punishment from God, but just an easy burden. When the reader reads line 11 of the poem, an idea of how Milton feels about his blindness is gained. The reader gains an image of how and what Milton feels like, since becoming blind. Milton was not born blind, therefore he had a acute knowledge of what the world looked like and was able to use objects that he had seen and read before to create a poem that contains imagery to convey his idea of faith and being blind. In line 3, Milton refers to talents (Milton, When I Consider How My Light Is Spent 944). A talent in the book of Mathew is a monetary unit. However, in the poem, Milton uses a pun in his diction to create imagery to help convey the strong faith that Milton has. Miltons vision is consider a talent that he once had, but no longer does, and Milton conveys the idea that his eyesight is priceless. Also in line 10, Milton draws a reference from Job 222. With this reference to Job 222, Milton is stating that anyone can benefit from God, rather they are wealthy or poor or either blind or not blind.The diction that Milton uses in When I Consider How My Light Is Spent helps convey the strong sense of faith that Milton has, even though God blinded him. The words that Milton chose to write this sonnet help illustrate Miltons true fait h. In line 8, Milton uses the word patience (Milton, When I Consider How My Light Is Spent 944). Miltons use of the word patience helps convey the idea that one day, Milton will be rewarded with his eyesight that was once taken from him. One day when in Heaven all will perfect health, and Milton realizes that life is short, and that it will not be long before he has sight of his loved ones.When I consider How My Light is Spent is a poem like many others that Milton write, which contain many literary devices, and well as faithful subjects. Imagery was a big part of the Miltons poetry as it allowed and connected Milton back to the real word after he went completely blind. With large amounts of imagery, Milton seemed to get people to understand how he thought.Most of all the poetry wrote by Milton contains his point of view of his faith. The reason that a lot of Miltons poetry contained his faith may have been influenced from his father. According to Jonathan Rosen, while a child, Milt ons family was kicked out of the church due to Miltons father rejecting the Catholic faith in return for the acceptance of Protestantism (Rosen, 4). This taught Milton that if he believed something that he should tell everyone. This was unlike anyone during the time, since people of the time were punished for their beliefs, but Milton wanted to let everyone know how he felt about his faith. According to Myron Taylor, Milton was one of the first poets or writers to start expressing his license of speech and religion in the early days, when this type of freedom was unheard of (Taylor, 2). Milton felt so strong about his faith that he thought that it was worth every bit of his life to let everyone know how he felt.All throughout Miltons poetry the reoccurrence of god, religion, and faith always seems to appear. Milton uses many methods to convey his thoughts of his faith, which include numerous literary devices, themes, and subjects that allow the readers become informed of Miltons fa ith.Works CitedMiller, David. John Milton Poetry. Twaynes English Authors Series 242. Boston Twayne, 1978.Jokinen, Anniina. Life of John Milton. Luminarium. 21 June 2006. 1 Dec. 2009.Milton, John. Paradise Lost. Masters of British Literature Volume A. Ed. Damrosch, David, Kevin J. H. Dettermar, and et. al. New York Pearson study Inc., 2008.Milton, John. How Soon Hath Time. Masters of British Literature Volume A. Ed. Damrosch, David, Kevin J. H. Dettermar, and et. al. New York Pearson Education Inc., 2008.Milton, John. When I consider How My Light Is Spent. Masters of British Literature Volume A. Ed. Damrosch, David, Kevin J. H. Dettermar, and et. al. New York Pearson Education Inc., 2008.Rosen, Jonathan. Return to Paradise. The New Yorker. 84.16 (2 June 2008) p72. Literature Resource Center. Gale. Clemson University Libraries.Taylor, Myron. John Milton Overview. Reference Guide to English Literature. Ed. D. L. Kirkpatrick. 2nd ed. Chicago St. James Press, 1991. Literature Resource Center. Gale. Clemson University Libraries.

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