Thursday, April 18, 2019

Political Equality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Political equating - Essay ExampleHence, it is a citizen right irrespective of his or her origin, sex, race, semi policy-making persuasion or judgment to exercise what according to the constitution is a mandatory. This implies a person ground on what he or she feels towards a certain issue should express oneself freely plainly within the guidelines set by his or her states constitution (Neyer, 2012). In addition, political par implies every person bears equality under the law (Bond & Smith, 2010, p. 8). This message any regime ought to demand adherence to any set laws from its respective citizens without any impartiality based on either status or identity (Bond & Smith, 2010). This also applies in arbitrating justice where any wrongdoer should face fair judgment without any bigotry. Case study Contemporary evidence of political equality is evident in Guatemala where the regime not only ensures effective mechanisms meant to promote ethnic mobilization but also women to parti cipate in authorities (Vogt, 2011). Ethnic mobilization in this case refers to the ethnicization of the former marginalized groups in Latin America, which did not have any say in influencing any political process or action there earlier but lived in passivity of what other mainstream groups already implemented. However, this norm by inferior ethnic groups continuously experiencing political marginalisation has ceased to exist where many of them since 1970s up to construe have explicitly emerged to the limelight of political arena to claim equal interference (Vogt, 2011). Equal treatment or say in this case implies enjoying same land rights, bilingual education/culture and take down self-determination in their respective territories without any form of coercion from the state or influential nation (Vogt, 2011). Latin America and especially Guatemala to have this attainment has taken persistent civil disobedience by varied movements in the region, which up to date they are still active prompting the female gender to take part in politics (UN Women). This is due to the elimination of numerous barriers in form of sequestration and low opinion of the female gender especially while showing interests of venturing in politics. The evidence of political equality in Guatemala in terms of political participation was evident in 2011 whereby 51% of all voters comprised the female gender besides recording high number of women candidates vying for varied posts contrary to other agone years (UN Women). Consequently, prompting UN Women claim the time for the female gender to determine the shape of Guatemalas politics has already come. However, this overwhelming emergency of women in politics during then up to date was through UN Womens efforts by training candidates especially from small ethnic groups, which due to their earlier inferiority experienced marginalization (UN Women). Training initiatives mainly provided by UN Women focuses creating awareness concerning the essence of voting by indigenous women and increasing their political presence. This is because they will not only claim their fundamental rights but also develop others by transport them with the right political

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