Thursday, November 28, 2019
World Lit Essay Example
World Lit Essay The invisible characters King Laius and Mr. Alvings, in the plays Oedipus Rex and Ghosts respectively influence the future of their offspring. The past decisions of these fathers lead the boys on a downward spiral to failure. In the novel Oedipus Rex, Oedipus, the protagonist, tries to escape the prophesized fate he had just been made aware of. The attempt is futile, because he had already completed more than half of it. Oedipuss imminent fulfillment of the prophecy stems from his fathers, King Laius, efforts to eliminate him as a young child. The character Oswald, from Ghosts, is set up for failure, because of his fathers infidelity. Oswalds inner sickness, syphilis, and the failure of his love interest, Regina, are a result of Mr. Alvingss past affairs. Both fathers affect their childrens adult lives negatively. They do all this with no appearance in either play, only mentioned.King Laiuss attempt to have Oedipus left for dead, sets in motion Oedipuss tragedy. In Antistrophe II Joc asta tries to console her new husband when the seer, Tiresias, lets loose that he is the former kings murderer. To accomplish this she says,Once long ago there came to Laius/from-lets not suppose Apollo personally/ but from one of his ministers-an oracle,/ which said that fate would make him meet his end/ through a son, a son of his and mine./Well, there was a murder, yes,/but done by brigands in another land, they say/ Where three highways meet,/ and secondly, the son, not three days old,/ Is left by Laius (through other hands, of course)/ upon a trackless hillside,/ his ankles riveted together./ So there Apollo fails to make the son/ his fathers murderer, and the father/ (Laius sick with dread) murdered by his son. [Sic]In the passage Jocasta is telling Oedipus not to worry and that he can not be the killer. First of all she has heard he had been killed by a group of foreigners. Secondly, her husband was destined to be defeated by one of his own making. That predestined son was le ft for dead in an abandoned area, with no way to defend itself against the elements and wild creatures. If Jocastas second reason had been true Oedipus would have been in the clear.Jocastas second detail did not quite come to pass. The baby never made it to the trackless road. Instead he was pitied and given away to another shepherd. The shepherd of the Cithaeron slopes explains during his questioning that he was charged with the task of killing King Laiuss son, but could not do it. His reasoning for saving the child was only pity for the babe. He thought he could take him home and far away. Unfortunately that baby did return home as a grown-man and did fulfill the fate he was destined for him, the misfortune of killing his father and marrying his own mother.There does not seem to have been way to get out of the prophecys clutches. The surest way to stop it was to have the child killed. That plan didnt work and just caused major confusion. It is still King Laiuss fault that Oedipuss fate turned out the way it had. Since the prophecy was, just that, a prophecy Laius had many ways to go about it. He could have noted that the fate for his son was not specific. It just said he would kill his father. It did not say if it was an accidental or intended event. In retrospect, the safest way to try to prevent the prophecy from being completed would have been to keep his son at home. As said before his decision to kill him, just lead to more confusion when the deed was not committed. Oedipus tried to break away from his parents, and leave his home. That way the prophecy would never be fulfilled. He was not aware that the couple he shared bread with, were not his biological parents. In his identity confusion he went into the world, intent to escape his parents, and ran straight into his real parents on the journey.They were just random people to him, because he was given to Polybus and Merope at too young an age to know the difference. Another way Oedipus might have taken destiny into his hands is if he never killed or married anyone in his lifetime. To suggest to Oedipus not marry or kill anyone during his lifetime would have left him, or anyone else in Ancient Greece, vulnerable and fruitless. In Greek life it was very dangerous and ridiculous to not have children or be unable to fight for fear of killing someone for anyone, especially a prince. That being so, Oedipus can not be to blame, because he had no idea who his parents were and his culture and environment prevented him from completely steering clear of his destiny. He put forth a valiant effort against it, but was defeated, because of a factor he couldnt control, a false sense of identity. The only one who had control over that was King Laius. As a result he is to blame.Sins of the father are visited on the children is a theme presented in a couple of Henrik Ibsens writings. This theme is a big part in Ghosts. When the play picks up, Mr. Alvings is already dead and buried and Oswald has co me home to be with his recently widowed mother. Act II Oswald tells his mother that his mind has broken down-gone to pieces and he will not be able to work ever again. He then goes into explaining how in Paris he felt horrible pains in his back, neck, and back of the head. Foolishly he likened them to the headaches he experienced while growing up. Finally seeing a doctor he is diagnosed as vermoulu, or translated in English worm-ridden. The doctor then says, Sins of the father are visited on the children. The doctor is implying that Oswalds condition is his fathers fault. At the end of the play Oswald sits motionless in an armchair repeatedly saying, The sun-the sun. What do these instances suggest?All of the symptoms Oswald present point to the STD syphilis. The headaches he experiences as a child are the result of the second stage of the disease. The adult Oswalds pains, oncoming insanity, and paralysis are effects caused by the final and last stage of syphilis also known as the t ertiary stage. The happy years in between these attacks were results of the STDs latency period. How does someone contract this disease? One way is through sexual relations with an infected person, or getting the disease from your mother. She could contract the STD fooling around with other people or having sex with the father after he has been fooling around. The only character reported to have done the sleeping around is Mr. Alvings. With that being so, it is because of his infidelity that Oswald has this horrible inner sickness.Oswalds failed crack at getting Regina to be in a relationship has two problems. One he has a disease of the body that affects the mind and it would be incestuous for them to be together. The syphilis has already been pinned as Mr. Alvings doing, but what about Regina being Oswalds step-sister? That is Mr. Alvings doing too. Regina is revealed to be the product of his affair with the former housemaid Johanna. These factors are too much for Regina and she d ecides to leave the house altogether. In the process Oswalds heart is crushed and is pushed towards suicide. These problems originate from the father, Mr. Alvings, outer-marital relations.The fathers in the plays Oedipus Rex and Ghosts affected their sons lives. King Laius basically paved the way for Oedipuss walk of self-destruction, while trying to save his own life. Mr. Alvings in disregard to the consequences had multiple sexual encounters outside his marriage. The birth of a worm-ridden Oswald and Regina are what became of it. While looking out for themselves, the two dads ended up impairing the future of their offspring.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Qué hacer para trabajar de au pair en Estados Unidos
Quà © hacer para trabajar de au pair en Estados Unidos Trabajar como au pair o cuidador de nià ±os en Estados Unidos puede ser una experiencia gratificante para los jà ³venes que deseen practicar y mejorar sus conocimientos de inglà ©s. Para desempeà ±ar este trabajo es preciso que una familia patrocine a la nià ±era a travà ©s de una agencia autorizada por el Departamento de Estado. El joven extranjero entrar y trabajar en Estados Unidos amparado por una visa de intercambio conocida como J-1. En este artà culo se informa sobre los requisitos tanto de las familias para alojar a una nià ±era bajo este programa como tambià ©n aquellos que deben cumplir los jà ³venes extranjeros para calificar. Requisitos de las familias para patrocinar a una au pair extranjera Ser ciudadanos americanos o residentes permanentes legales.En el hogar familiar debe hablarse inglà ©s.Los nià ±os americanos a cuidar por el cuidador extranjero debern ser mayores de tres meses y menores de 18 aà ±os. Las familias corren con la mayorà a de los gastos que generalmente incluyen el viaje ida y vuelta en avià ³n y seguro mà ©dico mientras dure la estancia de la nià ±era en Estados Unidos. Requisitos para trabajar como au pair en Estados Unidos Tener entre 18 y 26 aà ±os de edad. Aunque la inmensa mayorà a de los jà ³venes que solicitan trabajar como cuidadores de nià ±os son mujeres, tambià ©n pueden aplicar los varones.Tener buenos conocimientos de inglà ©s a nivel oral.Haber acabado los estudios de bachillerato (high school) o equivalente.No tener antecedentes penales. Antes de concederse la visa se requerir documentacià ³n oficial que acredite que no se ha cometido ningà ºn delito. Si se ha sido condenado, la visa ser denegada.Suministrar fotos de su vida y al menos tres referencias que no pueden ser de familiares. Adems de los requisitos legales, hay otros fruto de la prctica que hacen que sea ms fcil que una aspirante a au-pair encuentre familia de acogida. Asimismo, cà ³mo se tramita la visa, cules son las condiciones laborales de los muchachos desempeà ±ando esta labor y, finalmente, se hace referencia a otros programas de intercambio que tambià ©n pueden ser de interà ©s para jà ³venes extranjeros que desean vivir la experiencia americana mientras practican inglà ©s. Tramitacià ³n de la visa J-1 para nià ±eras Rellenar la aplicacià ³n correspondiente.Pagar las cuotas correspondientes. La cantidad varà a y es fijada por la empresa socia de la agencia americana autorizada para llevar a cabo el programa de au pair. En general es menos de $1000 e incluye el arancel por aplicar, el de encontrar familia patrocinadora y por la entrevista. En ocasiones, dependiendo del paà s, es posible que se tengaà que pagar un sobreprecio por el viaje.Pasar una entrevista en persona y un test psicolà ³gico y otro fà sico.Escribir una carta dirigida a una posible familia patrocinadora.Si se va a cuidar de nià ±os menores de dos aà ±os, habr que acreditar que se tiene al menos 200 horas de experiencia cuidando a bebà ©s.Comprometerse por escrito a trabajar por doce meses.Acudir a clases de inglà ©s y participar en una reunià ³n mensual de nià ±eras. Requerimientos que frecuentemente solicitan las familias Aunque la ley no dice nada al respecto, en la prctica se sabe que las familias patrocinadoras buscan nià ±eras que: Que tenga licencia de manejar.No fumar. Condiciones labores de las nià ±eras con el programa J-1 El cuidador tendr recmara propia (cuarto, habitacià ³n) y se le proveer con tres comidas diarias.Se le entregar semanalmente para su uso y disfrute la cantidad de $195.75.Las familias corrern con el gasto de hasta $500 para que la au pair asista a clases de inglà ©s (al menos seis crà ©ditos en una universidad o college comunitario).La jornada laboral no podr exceder de 10 horas al dà a ni de 45 horas semanales.El contrato ser por doce meses y se le pagar al cuidador dos semanas de vacaciones. Agencias oficiales intermediarias en el programa de Au Pair Es necesario tener en cuenta que una persona sà ³lo puede ser nià ±era con una visa de intercambio J-1 para si las gestiones se hacen exclusivamente a travà ©s de una de las agencia autorizadas por el gobierno de los Estados Unidos. Este es el listado. Por à ºltimo, esto es lo que debes hacer si la experiencia no es como tà º esperabas y hay problemas serios o te despiden. Esto es lo que debes hacer si el programa de la visa J-1 finaliza antes del tiempo previsto. EduCare Es un programa similar pero diferente al de aupair. Los utilizan las familias americanas para contratar nià ±eras extranjeras para cuidar de sus hijos antes o despuà ©s del horario escolar. En estos casos la au pair no puede trabajar ms de 30 horas a la semana y podrn recibir hasta $1000 para costear sus estudios. En estos casos la compensacià ³n a recibir es menor, estando fijada en $146.81. Evitar problemas con la visa Una vez que se tiene la visa es importante no hacer nada que pueda ponerla en peligro. Para ello una de la informacià ³n fundamental es saber cunto se puede ingresar a Estados Unidos y cuntos son los dà as de periodo de gracia para salir, una vez que finaliza el programa. Informacià ³n de interà ©s Para los muchachos interesados en estudiar en EEUU pero creen que no pueden pagarlo, verificar la posibilidad de estudiar dos aà ±os en un Community College: estas son sus ventajas y en esta base de datos se puede comprobar costo en ms de 1,000 colegios comunitarios en todo el paà s. Otras opciones con una Visa J-1 de intercambio Existen otras posibilidades para los jà ³venes extranjeros que desean pasar una temporada en EU para aprender inglà ©s y/o disfrutar la experiencia americana. Por ejemplo, el programa SWT para universitarios, que permite que trabajen y viajen durante los meses de verano. Otra opcià ³n son los programas oficiales para staff de apoyoà de campamentos de verano o los de prcticas profesionales (pasantà as) para jà ³venes profesionales. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Compare Hale's Outsider with Burrow's Junky Essay
Compare Hale's Outsider with Burrow's Junky - Essay Example Junky was a semi autobiographical narrative of the daily life of a heroin addict. Although the book is quite straightforward in telling the story of a drug addict it is considered to be more political than literary. The book attracted controversy because of its contentious drug themes, which is evident from subtitles in the book such as Confessions of an Unredeemed Drug Addict. Nevertheless, it is clear from the story that the author has depicted himself as an outsider amongst outsiders because he himself was not a drug addict but had ventured into the sleazy world of drugs in attempts to escape from his mental agony after he accidentally shot his wife. This paper makes a comparison of Burroughs work with Haleââ¬â¢s A Nation of Outsiders. The paper holds that Hale has focused and highlighted perceptions of how middle class whites in America began believing themselves to be outsiders in their own country during the period after the Second World War. In contrast, the Junky does not aim at creating any kind of sympathy for drug addicts. The book titled A Nation of Outsiders: How the White Middle Class Fell in Love with Rebellion in Postwar America by Grace Elizabeth Hale also deals with the issue of outsider in terms of the characteristics of life in America after the end of the Second World War. ... At this time Americans had started identifying themselves with outsiders or rebels whom they mostly associated with African Americans. Hale argues that in having identified themselves with the outsider, Americans had started pursuing inconsistent objectives. They had started working towards their self perceived independence and individual freedom. In being fascinated with outsiders, Americans had started desiring to remain connected and to have value in terms of having a deep sense of sharing with other people. Such paradoxical reversals engrossed many white middle class Americans after the Second World War. It became a fashion for middle class whites in America to have perceptions of being outsiders. Hale has depicted how a large number of people began defining themselves as outsiders although these groups always appeared to compete with one another. But all these people created their respective groupââ¬â¢s identity as outsiders. For instance, during the time when the abortion de bate was at its zenith, anti abortion activists thought of themselves as outsiders because the Supreme Court had legalized abortion in 1973. Because these people were entirely against legalizing abortion they started considering themselves as outsiders, while the insiders were considered to be those that were favored by the law of the land (Hale, 2011). The similarity of these circumstances can be felt in Burroughââ¬â¢s Junky because nothing much has changed in the several years since the book was published. Drug addiction continues to be a strong moral issue for many people and in being fair as a society Americans have not made much progress by way of understanding the ways in which drugs should be treated. It cannot be denied that there
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Slave Culture Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Slave Culture - Assignment Example h of slavery, as Couvares and Saxton state, ââ¬Å"had plunged him deeply into social history, that is, into the realm of group experience and collective fate that seemed very far away from the world of intellectuals and political leaders that had once so occupied himâ⬠(16). Morgan found no conflict between the ideas of liberal democracy as espoused by Americaââ¬â¢s founding fathers and the countryââ¬â¢s dependence upon slavery. Instead, he believed that slavery minimized class conflict, thus making the experiment of social democracy easier to accomplish in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. Unlike other historians of his era, Morgan believed that racism had little to do with the origins of slavery. Rather, he felt that its existence had more to do with ââ¬Å"elite English attitudes towards manual labor, a short supply of indentured servants, and an elite fear of their unrulinessâ⬠(111). In other words, slavery was used by the English colonists of the U.S. to control the lower classes. For Morgan, slavery was more of a class issue than a race issue. Black slavery developed out of a response to a serious labor shortage in the colonies, not due to violent feelings towards Africans. Morgan pointed to the English treatment of Native Americans earlier and stated that they were not enslaved as Africans were because their attempts to exploit Native Americans failed. Consensus about other beliefs, Morgan held, had more to do with the origins and development of slavery in
Monday, November 18, 2019
Political Chaos and Stalemate in East Asia Essay
Political Chaos and Stalemate in East Asia - Essay Example On the other hand, it also may be rather interesting to analyze the views of the opposing side which claims that existence of the Asian values can hardly be held responsible for the success. For example, they argued that people in this part of the world willingly adopt the role of servants of authoritarian regimes. In addition to that, it is suggested that while the above mentioned values existed for a considerable amount of time, the rapid economic growth occurred exclusively in the previous century which challenges the direct connection between the two phenomena.After a detailed examination of the attitude towards the Asian values, it may be rather logical to turn to analysis of some of the states in the region. By far, the country that should be addressed in particular is Japan. Speaking of the future of this member of G7 one might point out and important aspect of its political life: for a considerable amount of time the latter has been dominated by representatives of Liberal Dem ocratic Party (Hrebenar 69). Indeed, the second half of the previous centuries featured only a hand full of Prime Ministers that belonged to a different party. All this provides a person with sufficient grounds suggesting that the future of this country will be closely connected to the activity of the party in question. The next important country of the region is Indonesia. It must be noted that the second half of the twentieth century is marked by the rule of Suharto (Anderson 21).
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Process Of Socialization English Language Essay
The Process Of Socialization English Language Essay Some of a persons behaviour is natural while most of the behaviour is learnt. When a child comes in the world, he/she is gradually moulded in society into a social being and learns social ways of acting and feeling. His/her existence in the society becomes impossible without this process. This process of moulding and shaping the personality of the human infant is called socialization. In general Socialization is a social training by which every society prescribes its own ways and means of giving social training to its new born members so that they may develop their own personality. 1. MEANING OF SOCIALIZATION Socialization is often referred to as the transmission of culture, the process by which people learn the rules and practices of social groups. Just as we learn a game by playing it, so we learn life by engaging in it. Socialization is definitely a matter of learning and not of biological inheritance. People become what they are by socialization. Through the process of socialization the individual becomes a social person and attains personality. Socialization is the process whereby the individual acquires the conventional patterns of human behaviour. Every person tries to adjust himself/herself to the condition and environment predominantly determined by the society of which he/she is a member. If he/she fails to do so, he/she becomes a social deviant and is brought back into the line by the efforts of the group of which he/she is a member. This process is knows as socialization. It is the opposite of individualization. 2. THE PROCESS OF SOCIALIZATION Socialization is a process of transforming the human animal into a human being, of converting the biological being into a social being. It is said that the working of the process of socialization starts long before the child is born. The direct socialization begins only after birth. Factors of the Process of Socialization There are four factors of this process of learning. These are imitation, suggestion, identification and language. Imitation: Imitation is copying of the actions of another by an individual. In imitation the person imitating performs exactly the same activity as the one being performed before him. It is the main factor in the process of socialization of the child. Through imitation a child learns many social behaviour patterns. Language and pronunciation are acquired by the child only through imitation. Suggestion: McDougall defines suggestion as the process of communication resulting in the acceptance with conviction of the communicated proposition in the absence of logically adequate grounds for its acceptance. Suggestion is the process of communicating information which has no logical or self-evident basis. It may be conveyed through language, pictures or some other similar medium. Suggestion influences not only behaviour with others but also ones own private and individual behaviour. Identification: A child cannot make any distinction between his/her organism and environment in his/her early age. At that time most of his/her actions are random of which he/she is not conscious. As the child grows in age, he/she comes to know of the nature of things which satisfy his/her needs and such things become the object of his/her identification. The speed and area of identification increase with the growth in age and through identification the child becomes sociable. Language: As we all know, language is the medium of social intercourse and the means of cultural transmission. At first a child utters syllables having no meaning but gradually the child comes to learn his/her mother-tongue. The language moulds the personality of the individual from infancy. Theories of Socialization The heart of socialization is the development of the self. Gardner Murphy has defined self as the individual as known to the individual. The self of a person is what he/she consciously or unconsciously conceives himself/herself to be. There are mainly three important theories to explain the development of self. 3. AGENCIES OF SOCIALIZATION The process of socialization is operative throughout life. What a child is going to be is more important than what he is. It is socialization which turns the child into a useful member of the society and gives him/her social maturity. The chief agencies of socialization are the following: The Family: The process of socialization begins for every one of us in the family. They are not only closely related to the child but physically also they are nearer to the child than others. The child learns respect for persons in authority. The environment of a family influences the growth of a child. Of the parents it is the mother who first begins the process of socialization. The School: The school is the second agency of socialization. The education the child gets in the school moulds hi/her ideas and attitudes. Education is of great importance in socialization. The communication they receive from their teachers help to socialize them and to make them finally mature members of their societies. The Playmates or Friends: The relation between a child and his/her playmates is one of equality. It is based on cooperation and mutual understanding. The child acquires something from his/her friends and playmates which he cannot acquire from parents. From the friends the child acquires cooperative morality and some of the informal aspects of culture like fashions, fads, crazes, modes of gratification and forbidden knowledge. The knowledge of such things is necessary from the social point of view. The Church: Though in modern society the importance of religion has diminished, yet it continues to mould our beliefs and ways of life. When a child sees his/her parents going to the temple and performing religious ceremonies, he/she listens to the religious sermons which may determine his course of life and shape his ideas. The State: The state makes laws for the people and lays down the modes of conduct expected of them. If people fail to adjust their behaviour in accordance with the laws of the state, they may be punished for such failure. Hence the state also moulds our behaviour. 4. ELEMENTS OF SOCIALIZATION There are there elements which play their part in the socialization process of the individual, they are: The physical and psychological heritage of the individual. The environment in which he is born, and Culture in which he is because of the action and interaction between these elements. 5. ROLE OF SOCIALIZATION Socialization is the most important factor in personality development. Some importances of socialization are listed below: Socialization converts a person, the biological being into a person, the social being. Socialization contributes to the development of personality. It helps to become disciplined. It helps to enact different roles. It provides the knowledge of skills. It helps to develop right aspiration in life. It contributes of the stability of the social order. Socialization helps to reduce social distance. It provides scope for building the bright future. It helps the transmission of culture. 6. SOCIALIZATION OF ADULTS Socialization is a life-long process. At no point in the life of a person it comes to an end. The socialization of adults is easier than the socialization of children. The socialization of adults can be a prolonged and a tough process. This is particularly so when the skills to be learnt are complex and the responsibilities of the role are heavy. Generally adult socialization is designed to help the person gain specific skills. 7. INDIVIDUALIZATION Generally speaking, individualization is the opposite of socialization. It is that social process which tends to make the individuals more or less independent of their own. Individualization is the process in which people come to know themselves and acquire the sense of inner responsibility. Socialization brings people into relation with others; individualization makes him autonomous or self-determining. It is the process carried through by the individual and the society, and is primarily a mental process which is being spread through the prevailing ideas. Aspects of Individualization Mannheim has distinguished four main aspects of individualization. These aspects are: Individualization as a process of learning different from other people: The external differentiation of individuals leads to the formation of new groups. The people isolated from other people develop different types of personality. Individualization on the level of new forms of self regarding attitudes: The individualization comes to feels himself/herself as superior and separate from others and evaluates himself/herself in high terms. The person begins to regard his/her life and character as unique. Individualization through objects: Some people have a fixed feeling towards certain people and objects. Many factors influence the individual choice such as wealth or the process of modern production and distribution. Family conditions also shape the wishes of the individual. Individualization as a kind of deepening into ourselves: The feeling of solitary can develop a feeling of privacy and partial isolation in an individual. It leads to introspection which is again another from of individualization. 8. CONCLUSION The importance of socialized attitudes cannot be minimized in a society. A person with socialized attitudes would no do any work which is socially harmful. A socialized citizen would place human welfare above his individual gain. He would put human values above all else. Modern society has still to solve some basic problems of socialization at all stages of childhood and youth. The improvement of socialization offers one of the greatest possibilities for the future alteration of human nature and human society.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Colour Purple and The Yellow Wallpaper -- Goodman L. Approaching L
For Walker the use of language is to do with an expression of self in opposition to gender oppression, of presenting self in opposition to a language which is not your own. Explain how this statement informs your reading of The Colour Purple (TCP), and The Yellow Wallpaper (TYW). In TCP, written in first person narrative, Walker uses the epistolary style of writing, giving authority to the voice of Celie and enabling the reader to accept her as having real presence and experience. In her opening letter to God, it is obvious she has no self-confidence, crossing herself out with a line through ââ¬ËI amââ¬â¢ (p.3 TCP). Because her mother is so ill, Celie becomes a sexual commodity for her Pa, epitomising a male dominated society, where women accepted patriarchy. This epistolary style of writing was popular in the eighteenth century novel sentiment, morally edifying the reader, with authority being given to the protagonist, in this case, Celie. ââ¬ËCelie writes to God, for lack of any living person with whom to share her troublesââ¬â¢ (p.155 Literature and Gender (LG). She is not able to defend herself due to her multiple jeopardy, of being a woman, being black and being uneducated. Celie is a woman who, through being raped and beaten by her ââ¬ËPaââ¬â¢, is ââ¬Ëtaught to fear men and devalue herselfââ¬â¢ (p.55 LG). As her letters progress, she grows in confidence within and about her own language. In an early letter to God, written when her Pa stopped her going to school after he got her pregnant the first time and her younger sister continued to go, shows how she wanted to be educated, ââ¬ËI feel bad sometime Nettie done pass me in learninââ¬â¢ (p.12 TCP). Later on, she meets Shug Avery, her husbandââ¬â¢s mistress, who helps her find conf... ...aper and uses it to ââ¬Ëliberateââ¬â¢ herself from the normal domestic role expected of her, and from the patronising husbandââ¬â¢s language, such as ââ¬ËWhat is it little girl?ââ¬â¢ (p.353 TYW). Through her hysteria, she interprets the patterns on the wallpaper with a female language which is deliberately illogical, Emotional, non-linear, intuitive, as opposed to rational and logical. She writes, ââ¬ËThere is a recurrent spot where the pattern lolls like a broken neck and two bulbous eyes stare at you upside downââ¬â¢ (p.351 LG). Both women are using their own language against male authority. Bibliography Goodman L. Approaching Literature. Literature and Gender. Walker A. (1983) The Colour Purple. Great Britain The Womenââ¬â¢s Press. Audio/TV Audio Cassette 2: Women and Poetry AC2121 Audio Cassette 3: Gender and Drama AC2122 TV 2 Alcott and Woolf, Gilman, and Walker.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
The Knot
The Knot Case Study i. Opportunity analysis of People, Opportunity, Context and Deals. a. People: i. David Liu, Chief Executive Officer 1. Nine years of digital production and management experience 2. Managed staff of forty at video production company 3. Founded CD-ROM development firm ii. Rob Fassino, VP of Marketing 4. Eight years of advertising experience 5. Founded digital division of advertising company 6. Produced TV commercials iii. Carley Roney, VP of Creative Development 7. President of RunTime, Inc. 8. Six years as creative director and editor 9. M. A. in Cultural Studies v. Michael Wolfson, VP of New Business Development 10. Founded production company 11. Co-founded digital media division with Fassino v. Russ Casenhiser, Director of Operations 12. Co-founded Bridal Search, Inc 13. Developed industryââ¬â¢s largest searchable database of bridal gowns 14. Co-owned La Galleria ââ¬â womenââ¬â¢s apparel store 15. M. B. A. vi. Becky Casenhiser, Director of Merchandising 16. Co-founded Bridal Search 17. Maintained relationships with bridal gown manufacturers 18. Co-owned La Galleria ââ¬â managed buying, sales, customer service 19.M. B. A. vii. Erik Herz, Director of Advertising Sales 20. Six years of sales experience in publishing industry 21. Helped launch Marie Claire in the American Market viii. Partnerships: 22. Online: a. Excite i. Features partner/ lifestyle channel b. AOL ii. Featured wedding resource iii. Exclusive honeymoon resource iv. Featured wedding content partner c. Yahoo! v. Developing Yahoo ââ¬Å"I doâ⬠weddings 23. Marketing partnerships: d. Bloomingdaleââ¬â¢s vi. Online and in-store marketing e. 1-800 Flowers vii. Marketing and promotion partner f. Atlantic Records viii. Marketing and promotion partner . Great Bridal Expo ix. Featured online wedding resource h. Museum of the City of New York x. *The Future of Weddings* i. Harley Davidson Cafe xi. Special promotions, live events j. WEDCOM ââ¬Ë97 xii. Keynote speake r/online partner b. Opportunity: ix. What is The Knot selling? 24. Online content dealing with various issues in the early parts marriage k. Second marriages, elopement, same-sex marriages, premarital pregnancy 25. Provide convenience l. Wedding-planning m. Fashion n. Beauty advice o. Grooms p. Travel q. Gifts r. Home 26. Gift shop 27. Gift registry x. Customer: 28.People looking to get (re)married. 29. People looking for wedding gifts 30. Wedding-related services xi. Is this service/product a compelling purchase? 31. Yes. People donââ¬â¢t skimp on weddings 32. Recession-proof: 2. 4 million weddings a year/ 34 billion in annual sales and services 33. xii. Can The Knot grow? 34. Yes. Its online well established base will allow it continue growing at a faster rate than any of its competitors xiii. How fast? 35. xiv. How will The Knot reach more customer segments? 36. Not by magazines high cost of infrastructure and development 37.Continue to adapt to technological changes and trend s in the industry 38. Venture into wedding related markets (pregnancy, planning resources for people without money for huge weddings, etc) 39. Offer evolving and compelling information 40. Create new strategic alliances 41. Strengthen user loyalty 42. xv. What are The Knotââ¬â¢s economics? 43. P20 xvi. What stands in the way of success? 44. Competitors 45. Wedding planners 46. c. Context (factors that inevitably changed, but canââ¬â¢t be controlled by The Knot): xvii. Regulatory environment xviii. Interest rates xix.Demographic trends xx. Inflation d. Deals: ii. How much money should they raise? For what purpose? e. Money: f. Purpose: xxi. Increase investment to further develop the brand xxii. Maintaining relationships with advertisers xxiii. Build technological infrastructure xxiv. Launch sites in other countries xxv. Develop gift registry business (p7) xxvi. Develop technology xxvii. Protect trademark/trade names iii. From whom should they raise money? On what terms? g. Whom : xxviii. Venture capitalists 47. Well known team 48. Wedding market has a high growth potential 49. xxix. Strategic partners . Terms: xxx. Provide limited strategic decisions xxxi. Unlimited cash flow iv. What should David Liu and Carla Roney do? Why? i. What to do: xxxii. Continue to provide a wide range of products that keep the customersââ¬â¢ interest xxxiii. Broaden customer base launch sites in other countries j. Why: xxxiv. Maintain/develop technology xxxv. Keep current relationships with advertisers, customers, and retailers xxxvi. Maintain position above competition xxxvii. Respond effectively to competitive pressures xxxviii. Attract advertising from various industries
Friday, November 8, 2019
mexican family essays
mexican family essays The rural Mexican culture is made up of many small towns and villages. The social connections among adults in theses areas are relatively intimate because many of these areas are endoga mous communities. Most newly married couples live with the man's parents until they are financially stable enough to purchase land of their own to build on. Though it is less common the couple may decide to live with the wife's parents if the mother and daughter-in-law don't get along (Kay, 1991, p. 367). A typical mexican home or compound as they are commonly called. Consists of the family's private living space, which is likely to be set back from the road. Generally the compound is enclosed by a stonewall and contains several structures. There is the main house, which might be a modern type, built of stone and have a metal roof, or the traditional wattle and daub walls with a steep palm-thatched roof. Either way, it is likely to be a one-room house. The traditional house is oval, has a floor of pre ssed dirt or tile, and two doors but no windows. Inside the windowless house, daylight filters in though the palm thatching. At night a single electric bulb provides light. Also at night, several hammocks are let down from the rafters and the house serves as the family's sleeping quarters. In every compound there is also a separate cooking hut with an open fire. Near the well there will be a raised trough covered, by a palm-thatched roof, for the daily clothes washing. ! Sometimes there is a small bathhouse built of sticks interwoven with palm leaves, in which household members take their daily baths. The most striking thing about life in the compound is the extents to which various activities inter mingle. The whole compound constitutes an extended living area where there is little or no individual private space (Spielman, 1993). Typically rural Mexicans believe that conceptions occur immediately after a menstrual period. This idea is based on the notion t...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Fighting Digital Piracy essays
Fighting Digital Piracy essays The many forms of software piracy and the techniques to combat them that exist today are not only morally wrong and unfair, but it benefits no one by threatening both the producers and consumers way of life forever. Pirates continue to hack software constantly, driving major companies and record labels to strive harder to find ways to stop them. It is a never-ending race that will eventually result in the destruction of both the consumer and producer. One of the most prominent forms of piracy in todays society is the sharing of music files and CDs online. This is one of the more well-known kinds of piracy today, with strong ties to the legal issues involving record companies, artists, and the people who buy the music. Millions of people on the internet every day share files with each other that were ripped from music CDs only each individual was licensed to have. Many people would argue that illegally copying music is morally wrong, yet many of those still continue to do it. Our society has reached the point that it does not matter if it is okay how you get something, only that you get it for free. From the consumers point of view, it makes perfect sense to copy and share music with everyone you can reach over the internet. It is no different than allowing a friend to come over to the house to listen to a new CD. Would those who argue sharing is morally wrong say that people should forbid others from hearing their CDs? People borrow each others CDs all the time. People who know they can just get the CD from their friends are less likely to buy it, but you do not see record companies jumping all over people who share the physical CDs. One might say that allowing a couple of friends to borrow a CD is much different than allowing everyone who can connect to the internet to use it, but where is the line drawn? There is no established number of people that are allowed access to someones CD. The l...
Monday, November 4, 2019
M5 Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
M5 Reflection - Essay Example munity can occur in numerous forms and usually, organizations like libraries and zoos among others can be core players in assisting in the education of students outside the school environment (Fawcett & Shannon-Smith 2008). Parents should therefore provide their children with the opportunities to access these services, as they are beneficial to their overall studies. Most of these organizations create learning activities for the students who visit their sites but sometimes they do so without consulting the local schools first. It is important for the community and the schools to work together when improving the learning of students as through this collaboration, the excellence of the schools can be replicated in the community activities (Johnston, 2009). The community should value and have a commitment to implementing clear learning objectives, standards of a high quality, instructional strategies based on evidence and technology that has an ability to prepare the students to become successful in a complicated global community. The community should also remain ethical and should have a commitment and value in acting with fairness and integrity in order to bring ethical principles of decision-making processes while at the same time abiding by the laws and policies which govern schools. Caughy, M., Nettles, S., & Oââ¬â¢Campo, P. (2007). Community Influences on Adjustment in First Grade: An Examination of an Integrated Process Model.à Journal of Child and Family Studies,à 16(6), 819-836.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Accounting for Manager Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Accounting for Manager - Essay Example If the management expects the revenue to be $700000, then it must not accept the proposal of the landlord as this will increase the annual rent payment to $45500 which is more than the fixed annual rent of $40000. The company can accept the order as this will result in a profit of $400000. This is because the fixed costs remain fixed irrespective of the size of production (National Council on Economic Education, n.d.; Mankiw, 2008, P274). If the order size is 12000 units, the company must not accept the offer as this will result in a loss of $492000. The company has to spend an additional amount of $900000 as fixed costs because of an increase in the total capacity. This is because the fixed costs increase with the increase in the total capacity of the business The maximum order size that the company can accept is 100000 units. This is because beyond this capacity the fixed cost of the company doubles. For producing even one unit beyond the total capacity the company has to incur the total amount of fixed expense as this cannot be adjusted with the number of units produced. The costs have been allocated as direct and indirect costs. Direct costs include the cost of materials and labor cost that can be directly related to the product whereas indirect costs are the costs that cannot be directly identified with the product. The costs relating to general services are apportioned based on sales volume and the costs of the computer department are allocated based on the use. From this the operational income of the Tree division has been calculated as $480000. The net investment of the division is $1600000. This gives a return of 30% on the investment. The performance evaluation can be done using Variance analysis, EVA and return earned on investment. To earn profits the business has to be managed efficiently. ROI is an important tool for evaluating the
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