Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Adventures of Lewis Carroll’s Alice

From a young age Charles Dodgson’s fondness for writing was already made apparent. He had made several contributions to some national publications in England as well as to two local publications in Oxford (Karoline 31). It was in one of his contributions to the latter where he used the pseudonym by which he would be remembered: Lewis Carroll. It took some time before Carroll finally came out with a published version of his manuscript for Alice in Wonderland. Among other things Carroll was also a mathematician and a deacon in his church (Collingwood 22-23).These occupations contributed to the delay in publication of the classic story of Alice. After its release and widespread acclaim however, it wasn’t long before Carroll published its sequel, Through the Looking Glass. The two texts have been popularized as children’s literature. However, closer analyses by critics have brought forth a string of explanations accounting for the uncommon descriptions and images in the texts. Regardless of the circumstances surrounding the creation of the stories, it cannot be denied that the same were written for the enjoyment and benefit of children.Controversies Surrounding Alice The zeitgeist during the release of Alice in Wonderland was one of drug abuse resistance and a counter-culture of dependence on psychedelic substances. Such an air led scholars to deconstruct the text based on the prevalent norms in society. It was easy for scholars to relate Alice’s mushroom-eating and herb-use to regular pot sessions. Some scholars have claimed that the imageries in the story are akin to the hallucinations experienced when under the influence of addictive substances.From these factual circumstances arose the belief that Carroll himself was under the influence at the time that he wrote the text or that he was a habitual user. However, there is no evidence to show that at any point in his life Carroll was involved in drug abuse. There is evidence to support however that Carroll may have been ill thus prompting the hyperbolic descriptions in Alice in Wonderland and its sequel. It was observed that Carroll documented suffering from severe migraines which most often affected the ill person by skewing his or her perspective, such as making objects appear bigger then they actually were (Carroll 52).It is surmised that Lewis Carroll suffered from such an affliction all his life and thus the vivid imagery in his popular texts. The disease has now become popularly known as the Alice in Wonderland Syndrome or, medically, micropsia and macropsia. This is a neurological disease which affects visual perception in humans causing illusions in size, shape and color (Cinibis and Aysun 316). Some scholars have attributed the creativity in Carroll’s text to the fact that he was ailing from this disease.As regards the text Through the Looking Glass, critics have unanimously categorized the same as nonsense literature. It is not hard to imagine why , what with the text’s deconstruction of norms and the topsy turvy manner by which the text upends unquestioned customs – such as telling time for example. More than anything however, the text is a clear presentation on a play of words and wit. The Real Alice The first and strongest argument that Carroll’s stories were written simply for children to enjoy is an inspection of the life of Carroll. It has already been mentioned that Carroll was a deacon in his church.This paved the way to his acquaintance with a little girl who sparked the creation of his children’s masterpiece. In her text, The Real Alice, Clarks shows that sometime in 1855 Carroll met the Liddell family whose head, Henry Liddell, was the dean of Christ Church in Oxford. Because of his acquaintance with Henry Liddell, Carroll in turn became acquainted with Henry’s children. Alice Liddell was one of three girls belonging to the Liddell family. Carroll was quite fond of children and he often took the Liddell children to picnics and boat rides where he regaled the children with stories and make-believes.It was on one such occasion that Alice asked Carroll to tell them a story and the ensuing tale is what is known today as Alice in Wonderland. Although Carroll had told the children other stories prior to this particular one, the difference this time was that Alice Liddell had asked him to write down the story for her. Several pieces of evidence show that indeed Alice Liddell was the model, or at least the inspiration, for Carroll’s Alice. One of the strongest proofs is that Carroll actually dedicated the book to Alice Liddell thus demonstrating that Alice played a part in its completion.If it were merely a sign of the close relationship that he shared with the Liddell children, then Carroll should have dedicated the book to all of them and not just to one in particular. Moreover, a poem in Through the Looking Glass reveals an acrostic spelling out the name o f Alice Pleasance Liddell. Although Carroll himself admitted using acrostics to spell out the names of young ladies with whom he was acquainted, the appearance of Alice Liddell’s name in both his books is quite significant.No other acquaintance of his was mentioned in both Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. Certainly it was more than just the similarity in names of his friend and his protagonist that prompted him to spell out Alice’s name in the sequel of his story. There is also evidence showing that Carroll set the story on dates significant to Alice Liddell. The first story was set on May 4, Alice’s birthday, and the second story was set on November 4, Alice’s half-birthday (Wikipedia Alice Liddell). Carroll certainly went out of his way to allude to such significant dates in both his stories.Furthermore, when the fictional Alice stated her age it reflected the actual age Alice Liddell would have been at that time. Certainly that too co uld not have been mere coincidence. Although Carroll denied any association between his writings and Alice Liddell, the subtle hints that he planted in the story speak for themselves. A possible cause for the denial might have been the intrigue that eventually followed his intimate relationships with children. Karoline Leach first raised such a point in her book, In the Shadow of a Dreamchild, when she attempted to deconstruct the Carroll Myth.In essence, Leach insinuated pedophilia by observing that the relationship Carroll maintained with young girls was unnatural. Of course, with the stature and popularity that Carroll had attained, such statements, though founded with as much proof as other accepted historical facts regarding Carroll, were hotly contested and rebutted. This is not to say however that they have been debunked as such is not the case. Regardless of the relationship between Alice Liddell and Carroll, it is uncontested that the first book was dedicated to Alice Lidde ll while she was still a young child.Above any other proof of motivation, this clear manifestation of intent reflects that the story of Alice in Wonderland was written for the fancies of children. It necessarily follows therefore that its sequel also catered to children’s delights. A Journey into Wonderland Apart from the biographical setting, one may also look at the fictional setting which Carroll developed. The story starts out with a random romp in the woods with a little girl’s closest companion, her pet. It is a dull day and, upon falling into the rabbit hole, Alice finds herself in a refreshing change of scenery.The situation is not unlike the many dull summer’s days wherein children are wont to play make-believe. Wonderland itself is a crayon enlargement of pictures that are commonly drawn by children. The different colored trees and stark colors worn by the characters, both on their clothes and on their furs, shows a child’s easy use of colors. T he scenery in itself has a nursery rhyme quality around it reflecting the target audience it was written for. The contrast in colors is very much the same manner by which children view the world.It is only the adult-world that defines colors by hues of black, gray, and khaki. Such a variety of colors as is seen in Alice’s adventures is the world of young children. The mere fact that children often like to reverse colors in their portrayals of the world around them shows that they enjoy such mismatches. This only serves to reveal the delight they must have felt to have been launched alongside Alice into a world filled with mixtures of colors. Furthermore, the skewed perception of size of objects was entirely in line with the perspective of small children.For children, size is magnified in proportion with their own size. More so, size is magnified in proportion to their understanding of the utility of a particular object. Take for example the larger-than-life portrayal of the c hess board pieces. The game of chess is a game of knowledge and of skill. It is not unlikely therefore that a child would find such a game taxing, particularly so when he or she is free to enjoy the free terrain of nature. Another such example is found in the upturning of the concept of time telling in the story.One of the most difficult things to teach a child is how to tell time. The importance of the long hand, the short hand, and the second hand are sheer mysteries to a child who needs only to keep track whether or not it is night or day outside. The mockery of timepieces in the story is entirely in line with such difficulty. The concept may be refreshing to adult readers but it also allows child readers to completely relate with the story. Apart from the setting, Carroll’s use of characters already familiar to children showed that the story was indeed intended for them.The characters Tweedledee and Tweedledum for example, jump right out of the nursery rhyme to meet Alice in her adventure. This is very significant because to no other audience would these two characters hold strong bearing than to children. The language used in the story is also reflective of the genre for which the texts were intended. To most the language is mere nonsense. But the play of words, particularly in Through the Looking Glass, presents so much more than just play. The manner in which Carroll communicates his feelings with non-words is reflective of the way children themselves attempt to express themselves to adults.For example, in the poem Jabberwocky, Carroll uses the combination of words and the emotions evoked by non-words to paint out a story for his audience. Such mixture of words to express a new feeling or thought is most often observed in children who, for lack of vocabulary, resort to such splicing when the need arises. Furthermore, children often take meaning from the feelings that a particular word arouses in them, particularly so when they don’t know t he meaning of the word. The use of language in the two stories is a play on such psychology of children.Finally, the variety of sounds that Carroll brings to life in his stories presents good exercise for children’s linguistic abilities. The spectrum of sounds that his stories present is good training ground for improved diction and muscle memory for his young readers. Finally, let us examine Alice herself. Alice’s disposition is that of an obedient young girl who is both shocked and amused by the play of the characters she meets. Alice presents the character of a child who has learned to believe the teachings of her elders without fully understanding why she should do so.This very character of Alice persists from her falling into the rabbit hole to her arguing against the disruption of norms. Yet every time that Alice is forced to explain her stands, she finds herself running out of thoughts and words. Such blind obedience is common in children, particularly those sta rting education but not yet fully being taught about the concepts behind the lessons being learned. It is argued that Alice’s adventures had a darker undertone to it, with Alice finding each of her hopes being crushed throughout the story.However, such an observation does not discount the fact that Alice’s story still holds for the benefit of child readers. If nothing more, such an undertone elevates Alice’s story to apply even to young adults. It seems that Alice’s realization that her fantasies and dreams are not always in line with reality and therefore must be discarded shows a coming of age theme in the story. As with most coming of age stories, it is not uncommon that adults themselves find the issues they face being addressed.However, the benefit that children may derive from the story is not undermined because the issues portrayed are particularly addressed to the ones that they themselves face. A Child’s Wonderland Scholars have applied th e themes present in the stories to everyday life of more mature audiences. Moreover, numerous criticisms have been aimed at Carroll’s stories reflecting them to be no more than the products of a hallucinating mind. Despite these judgments regarding the source of the idea of Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, it cannot be denied that both pieces have had a tremendous impact on its young readers.There is no doubt that these stories were created primarily for the enjoyment of children and for their beneficial understanding. This intention is the focal key in understanding the disjointed world that Lewis Carroll painted. To most adults and to the scholarly world, an in-depth analysis of the text was needed, particularly so when considering the intellect and the capacity of the man who rendered the same. But it is undeniable that the very reason why Alice’s Adventures are still loved today is borne of a deep affiliation between children and Alice herself.Car roll’s depiction of Alice and her Wonderland embodies the make-believe world that children often find themselves voiceless to express. In his masterpiece, Carroll is not only able to express the world of a child but he is able to impact the viewpoints of adults as well. Works Cited Alice Liddell. Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia. April 2008. 16 April 2008 . Carroll, Lewis. The Diaries of Lewis Carroll. London: The Lewis Carroll Society, 1993-2007. Carroll, Lewis. The Complete, Fully Illustrated Works.New York: Gramercy Books, 1995. Cinibis, M. , and Aysun, S. â€Å"Alice in Wonderland syndrome as an initial manifestation of Epstein-Barr virus infection. † British Journal of Ophthalmology, 76, 316, 1992. Clark, Anne. The Real Alice. New York: Stein And Day, 1982. Cohen, Morton N. Lewis Carroll: A Biography. London: Macmillan, 1995. Collingwood, Stuart D. The Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1898. Leach, Karoline. In the Shadow of the Dreamchild : A New Understanding of Lewis Carroll. London: Peter Owen Publishers, 1999.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Cosmetics and Revlon

Introduction of the Company Revlon Inc. is a leading cosmetics company offering cosmetic, skin care, fragrance, and personal-care products. Revlon was formed in 1932, and started out with selling only nail enamels. Over the course of the past 75 years, Revlon has become a leading brand in the cosmetic market, recognized both in the United States and worldwide. Revlon owns popular brands such as Revlon, Charle, Mitchum, and Almay. Revlon has recently been struggling with debt, posting losses for the past eight years. Mission Statement AnalysisRevlon’s vision is to glamour, excitement, and innovation through quality products at affordable prices. The key objective of Revlon is to offer high quality beauty products while keeping the costs down for the consumers. I believe Revlon has been holding true to that vision; however they could be following it too closely. Revlon’s recent losses and issues with debt could be attributed to their vision. While the answer to solve thei r issues is uncertain it is clear a new strategy is needed to help Revlon recover. External Analysis External| | | | Opportunities| Weight| Rating| Score| 1. Men are using cosmetics more| 0. 6| 1| 0. 06| 2. Weakening of the US dollar making foreign markets more appealing| 0. 15| 2| 0. 3| 3. Growing trend of using personal care products| 0. 1| 3| 0. 3| 4. The increase in the mini-baby boomers (young teens)| 0. 1| 2| 0. 2| 5. Baby boomer females entering retirement| 0. 12| 3| 0. 36| | | | | Threats| | | | 6. Concern for product safety growing| 0. 05| 2| 0. 1| 7. Concerns about environment and animal testing growing| 0. 07| 2| 0. 14| 8. Increased gas prices greatly reduce disposable income| 0. 15| 1| 0. 15| 9. Natural fashion trends| 0. 05| 2| 0. 1| 10. Intense competition| 0. 15| 2| 0. 3| 1| | 2. 01| 1. There is a growing trend of men using cosmetic products. Product lines marketed specifically for men will be necessary to profit in this market segment. Men will be reluctant to use pr oducts made for women, so separate product lines are necessary. 2. Weakening of the US dollar makes any US based product more appealing in the foreign markets. Not only will people with other currencies favor the currency advantage of buying Revlon, are huge emerging markets growing in Latin America, Asia, and India. 3. There has been an overall growth in the use of cosmetic and personal care products worldwide.As countries become more developed, more people are earning income to spend on these products. Especially in the United States, appearance is strongly valued and cosmetics play a large part. 4. As with the increasing trend in cosmetics, there has been a significant increase in the mini-baby boomer market. Young teens are using cosmetic, personal care products more, and more. This market of teenage women is huge, especially in the United States. 5. The original group of baby boomers are beginning to reach the age of retirement. Most have reached their peak earning potential an d now have large amounts of disposable income.With old age comes the need for cosmetics to help people maintain a youthful look. Retired women of the baby boom era are a significant market segment for Revlon. 6. There have been growing concerns for product safety. Most cosmetics are applied to the face, and some if not properly tested can have adverse side effects. The population is becoming more health aware, and is always looking at the health effects of everyday products. Most companies now advertise the use of natural ingredients to market to health conscious consumers. 7. There is also growing concern for the environment and the use of animal testing.Animal testing had always been an issue for the cosmetic industry; however it is becoming more prominent in recent times. Even more is the growing concern for the environment. Consumers are looking for products that are not harmful to the environment and are eco friendly from the manufacturing process all the way to packaging and d isposal. 8. Increase in gas prices has hurt many industries across the board. Gas is something that the majority of consumers have to buy, and they are forced to pay whatever price is asked. The more consumers have to spend on gas the less to have to spend on items that are not considered a necessity.Costly cosmetics are probably one of the first things to be forgotten when spending needs to be cut back. 9. There is a trend of using natural products from food to cosmetics. There is a trend of going for a completely natural look altogether, meaning no cosmetics whatsoever. Even natural cosmetics discourage the use of other similar or supplementary products that would normally be used. 10. Competition is fierce in this industry. Marketing, price wars, and product differentiation among the cosmetic industry make it an extremely competitive industry. Each company has numerous brands that are recognized globally.Breaking consumer brand loyalty can be a hard task to accomplish. Revlon has a score of 2. 01 which is average. Revlon has been lacking in taking advantages of the different opportunities that it has. Failure to seize these opportunities will allow competitors to move in and gain the upper hand. Revlon should definitely take advantage of the growing foreign markets, especially in light of the weakening US dollar. In terms of threats, Revlon has been passive in responding to are preparing against them. Revlon has to make sure it markets its products in a way that is fitting for the changing view of the consumer.Product quality is becoming less important, as image is becoming everything. Completive Analysis Competitive Analysis: Porter’s Five-Forces Model | | Potential development of substitute products| | | | | I| | | Bargaining Power of Suppliers| -| Rivalry Among Competing Firms| -| Bargaining power of consumers| | | I| | | | | Potential Entry of new competitors| | | Rivalry Among Competing Firms Rivalry is high in the cosmetic industry. A few huge cosmetic makers dominate the market. They all have to deal with the decline in disposable income due to rising gas prices.Companies fight with marketing and cost reduction. Consumers have many ways to purchase these products. While a large amount of cosmetics are sold in drugstores and large retailers such as Wal-Mart there is still a significant sales done door to door. Competition is getting so strong that there has been a move to increase door-to-door sales to help steal market share from competitors. Potential of New Entrants The cosmetic industry is a 200 billion dollar industry. Competition is already high, and the industry as a whole has been faced with difficulties in these economic times.So the threat of new entrants is unlikely. However, new entrants to the industry could be successful if they can make a quality product at affordable prices. While there is a significant amount of brand loyalty, a consumer would easily switch to a more affordable quality product. Potential Development of Substitute Products As mentioned before rivalry is intense in this market. While brand loyalty does exist, price is becoming a very important factor. As a whole the market for cosmetics is very dynamic. While price is important, quality is just as significant if not more significant for some consumers. Companies re faced with the difficult task of balancing the two. Consumers will likely switch to a cheaper product with quality even though they might have loyalties to a particular brand. Bargaining Power of Suppliers Bargaining power of suppliers is low to moderate. Rising commodity prices affect all industries. The raw materials used in cosmetics are used mainly by cosmetic and personal care companies. The cosmetic companies do have some leverage, and these companies are able to keep costs down to offer lower prices to consumers. Bargaining Power of Consumers The bargaining power of consumers in this market is relatively high.Products are easily substitutable and pri ce is probably the most significant factor. Customers have all of the buying power, and often lean towards the cheaper products in these hard economic times. Since consumer bargaining power is high, companies in the cosmetic industry are forced to drive their prices down to stay competitive. While there are segments of the market that will pay a premium for a quality product, are majority of consumers will chose with their wallets. Generic Forces | Approach| Focus| Cost Minimization| Product Differentiation| Broad| X| | Narrow| | |Revlon offers various product lines focused at different segments of the market. The company was founded on the idea of providing affordable cosmetics. While many cosmetic companies attempt to differentiate their products from competitors it is almost an impossible task. Cosmetic products are easily substitutable so cost becomes the more significant factor. A broad focus cost minimization strategy is the one I would recommend for Revlon, there are some pot ential risks. As for any company, introducing new product lines can be a hit or miss. Revlon had recently introduced a product line called Vital Radiance that was aimed towards older women.The new line was not successful and was eventually discontinued, but not without taking losses. I believe Revlon should continue to use the same approach, they just need to make sure enough research is done before introducing new products to minimize the chances of failure. Competitive Profile Matrix Revlon Estee Lauder Avon Critical Success Factors| weight| Rating| Score| Rating| Score| Rating| Score| 1. Financial Position| 0. 3| 2| 0. 6| 3| 0. 9| 4| 1. 2| 2. Brand Recognition| 0. 1| 4| 0. 4| 3| 0. 3| 3| 0. 3| 3. Market Share| 0. 35| 3| 1. 05| 4| 1. 4| 4| 1. 4| 4. Global Expansion| 0. 15| 3| 0. 45| 3| 0. 5| 4| 0. 6| 5. Marketing| 0. 1| 4| 0. 4| 3| 0. 3| 3| 0. 3| Total| 1| | 2. 9| | 3. 35| | 3. 8| Out of the three companies, Revlon is in the worst position. While Revlon does excel in marketing, th e amount spent on advertising is piled on to the already massive amount of debt. The most important factors here in this situation are market share and financial position. In both areas, the competition is clearly ahead of Revlon. Another significant area is global expansion, and Avon is the leader in expansion. The global market is the key to success in the cosmetics industry and Avon's overall score proves that.If Revlon can fix its financial position, then they can begin to look at competing toe-toe with Avon. However, the longer they wait to straighten out the longer they will continue to fall behind. Internal Assessment Internal| | | | Strengths| Weight| Rating| Score| 1. Strong marketing efforts| 0. 15| 1| 0. 15| 2. Large distribution network| 0. 1| 3| 0. 3| 3. Produces Quality Product| 0. 05| 2| 0. 1| 4. Tailors product lines to different segments| 0. 05| 2| 0. 1| 5. Strong Brand Recognition| 0. 1| 2| 0. 2| | | | | Weaknesses| | | | 6. Limited Locations| 0. 15| 2| 0. 3| 7. In crease in long-term Debt| 0. 1| 1| 0. | 8. Weak overall financial position| 0. 15| 1| 0. 15| 9. Risk of Investing in a Project with No Return| 0. 1| 2| 0. 2| 10. Relatively high prices| 0. 05| 2| 0. 1| | 1| | 1. 7| 1. Marketing plays a large part in the cosmetic industry. Most companies compete on price. So ultimately the consumers’ choice is based on the perception of the product. Certain cosmetic lines are marketed towards different groups of people. The success of certain products is directly related to the effectiveness of the marketing campaigns. 2. The channels of distribution also play a large part in the success of any cosmetic company.Today most companies sell their products in a variety of different stores. Having their products available at many different locations helps to keep he competitiveness. Cosmetics are sold at drugstores, grocery stores, and large retailers such as Wal-Mart. Some companies even use door-to-door sales such as Avon. Revlon is beginning to u se that approach in certain regions such as China. 3. While price is the most important factor for most consumers, quality plays a large part with cosmetics. Furthermore actual quality is probably less important than perceived quality. 4.Ultimately people are willing to pay a premium for a higher quality product. In the case of cosmetics, quality is less about the product itself and more about the result to the consumer. 5. In order to make market campaigns successful the products themselves need to be designed differently for different market segments. For example, cosmetics aimed for the older population usually focuses on wrinkle education and skin firming ingredients, whereas cosmetics aimed for young women might offer a lot of color variety and other flashy designs. There clearly exists a different fashion trend among different age groups and different cultural groups.Having product lines tailored specifically for each group can help drive sales for each product line. 6. While Revlon does sell its products globally there are large markets outside of the United States that are yet to be entered. Because of the weakening of the US dollar US products are more favorable to foreigners. This event, along with the recent growth and development of these foreign countries form a large untapped market for cosmetic companies. India, China, and South America are becoming huge unsaturated markets waiting to be taken over. The first company to enter and successfully market to regions will become profitable.If Revlon continues to stay in its concentrated markets it will continue to fall behind the pack. 7. One of Revlon’s largest pitfalls is its failure to reduce its long-term debt. This is due largely to a few failed product lines that Revlon has launched in recent years, with Vital Radiance being the latest disaster. A lot of resources are required to launch new products. Not only are there the costs of production, but also the research and developments before the products are actually made. If the new lines do not yield the expected results the company is left in a net loss.In Revlon’s case, they never get a chance to pay off their debt, and are constantly playing catch-up. 8. Having a large amount of long-term debt is one thing, but for Revlon their overall financial performance is in need of repair. If Revlon able to generate enough income to balance out of their debt they would be much better off. Unfortunately, that is not the case. The amount of income and addition of new assets is not enough to keep out with the increase in liabilities. Because of this their overall financial position is very weak. Something needs to be done in order to set the company on the right path. . The main risk involved in launching new product lines is the potential for complete failure. So much research, time, and capital are spent to launch new product line. If the product does not sell as expected then none of those costs are recovered. Even wit h proper research of both the product and market, there is always a risk of failure. Already having such a large amount of debt, Revlon needs to take its time and do all the necessary research involved to increase its chance of launching a successful new line. 10. Price is the most important factor involved in the consumers’ purchasing decision.Cosmetic companies must find a balance between price and quality. Cost reduction is key to the success of any company in the cosmetic industry. If consumers decide to ignore quality, then price becomes the deciding factor. Though some cosmetic companies might sacrifice quality to keep prices low, they tend sell better when consumers have less money to spend. Revlon obtained a score of 1. 7 which is below average. Revlon’s biggest struggles are faced internally. The inability to pay off their long-term debt and their willingness to acquire new debt leave them in an extremely unstable financial position.Revlon needs to focus on it s marketing and product strategies. In these hard economic times Revlon should focus on price minimization. Consumers are more concerned about price these days with all of their purchases because money is tight. Revlon needs to focus on fixing its internal problems before they can begin to adjust to external factors. Financial Analysis Revlon’s main area of focus should be reducing its debt. Revlon posted net losses from 2004 to 2006. Sales had been leveling off during the same period. Net loss per share went from (. 47) to (. 2) from 2004 to 2006. Overall Revlon had been performing poorly, and failed new product launches helped contributed to the losses. By the end of 2006 Revlon’s long term debt amounted to 2. 3 billion dollars. Because of their ongoing issues with debt, Revlon has been undergoing debt restructuring. Moving forward Revlon must change its strategy to help increase sale, while minimizing the addition of new debt. In 2006 Revlon had a current ratio or l iquidity ratio of 1. 29 which improved slightly from 1. 25 in 2005. However, Revlon’s long-term debt still outweighs their assets.Revlon needs to look at its current product lines, and consider liquidating lines that are not generating expected returns. They are better off canceling unsuccessful product lines, then continuing to take on losses. While it may cost more in the short term, reevaluating existing product lines, and doing the research and development to launch new product lines will be more profitable in the long run. SWOT Matrix | Strengths – S 1. Strong marketing efforts| 2. Large distribution network| 3. Produces Quality Product| 4. Tailors product lines to different segments| 5. Strong Brand Recognition| | | | | | | Weaknesses – W 6. Limited Locations| . Increase in long-term Debt| 8. Weak overall financial position| 9. Risk of Investing in a Project with No Return| 10. Relatively high prices| | Opportunities – O 1. Men are using cosmetics m ore| 2. Weakening of the US dollar making foreign markets more appealing| 3. Growing trend of using personal care products| 4. The increase in the mini-baby boomers (young teens)| 5. Baby boomer females entering retirement| | SO Strategies1. Create product lines for new markets. (O1,2,5+S1,S4)2. The company should expand in to global markets. (O2+S1,S5)3. Focus existing product lines to their targeted demographics. (O1,3,4,5+S4)| WO Strategies1.Open new locations worldwide. (O2,O3+W6,W9)2. Reduce costs. (O4+W10)3. Conduct research before starting new product line. (O1,3,4,5+ W7,W9)| Threats – T 6. Concern for product safety growing| 7. Concerns about environment and animal testing growing| 8. Increased gas prices greatly reduce disposable income| 9. Natural fashion trends| 10. Intense competition| | ST Strategies1. Expand into global markets. (T10+S1+S5) 2. Reduce costs. (T8+S3)| WT Strategies1. Open New Locations. 2. Carefully plan new projects to maximize their profitabilit y. 3. Research safer ways of product testing and formulate safer and environmentally friendly cosmetics. T6,7,9+W9)| Space Matrix ————————————————- Financial StrengthRatings Decrease in Debt1. 0 Increase in Assets 2. 0 Net Income Per Share1. 0 4. 0 ————————————————- Industry Strength Growth Potential2. 0 Profit Potential 2. 0 4. 0 ————————————————- Environmental Stability Competitive Pressure-3. 0 Going Green Trend-3. 0 Economy Dependent-4. 0 ————————————————- -10. 0 —————————†”——————- Competitive Advantage Market Share-5. Brand Loyalty -4. 0 -9. 0 Conclusion ES Average is -3. 33, IS Average is 4. 0 CA Average is -6. 0, FS Average is 1. 33 Directional Vector Coordinate:x-axis: -4. 5+(+2. 0) = -2. 5 y-axis:-3. 33+(+1. 33) = -2. 0 Insert Space matrix The SPACE Matrix shows that Revlon has a defensive profile. They are financially unstable, which is why the point falls in the negative quadrants. BCG Matrix High| Medium| Low| Medium| StarsRevlon Brand| ? ’sAntiperspirants/Deodorants| Low| Cash CowRevlon Beauty Tools| DogsVital Radiance Brand| Revlon’s star product is their Revlon brand.The cosmetic market is still showing considerable growth, and Revlon has a total market share of 13%. Globally the market for cosmetics is expected to grow with the help of the weakening U. S. dollar. Revlon Beauty tools are the cash cow for the company. The overall market share for that product line is almost 25% which makes Revlon a dominant player. Growth in that market is expected, but not nearly as much as the cosmetics segments. Market share of Antiperspirants and Deodorants has dropped within the past year. While growth in that segment is expected, Revlon maintains a small share of the market.However, with the right strategy that segment could become another star for Revlon. Lastly, Revlon’s Vital Radiance line dropped to less than 1% in market share in the most recent year. That segment showed negative growth along with minimal market share. It was a wise decision on Revlon’s part to discontinue that line as it was generating any net profits for the company. Strategy Recommendation Revlon should follow to strategies to help turn things around. The first recommendation I have is for Revlon to expand its business in foreign markets. Currently the US dollar is weak, which makes US products more favorable in foreign countries.There are huge emerging markets in India and China. As these countries become more developed women have more income to spend on cosmetic products. In these countries Revlon might have a better chance at success if they try more direct forms of marketing such as door-to-door sales. There are rumors that Revlon is considering that strategy for China. While I believe times have changed, and marketing has changed especially with the age of the internet, I believe direct marketing works well for cosmetics. The typical users of cosmetics are more likely to buy a product if they get to see it in person, or get to try it themselves.I think door-to-door sales would be successful and could be used in the United States and in other countries. I also believe free samples would be another good form of marketing. I’ve noticed that a lot off cosmetic products are sold on the home shopping network in the United States. I think consumers feel more comfortable buying a cosmetic product when they can see how it is used and what results they generat e. There are cultural differences between the United States and foreign countries. Revlon should create new product lines tailored to each culture.I believe they are better off making fewer product lines focused on broader groups of people, rather than making too many product lines. They need to test the waters of each region, and determine the most effective ways to gain market share. The second recommendation that I have for Revlon is an internal one. Revlon has serious issues with debt. Part of the reason they are in this situation is because of the launch of unsuccessful product lines such as their most recent Vital Radiance. It takes a lot of time and resources to launch a new product line or to acquire new manufacturing locations.Any new product launch poses a great risk for any company. Revlon is not in any financial position to be taking these risks. I believe they need to do two things. First Revlon needs to look at its existing product lines and reevaluate their effectiven ess. Lines that are not meeting sales expectations need to be modified or discontinued altogether. It is better for Revlon to accept its losses and start fresh. The second thing Revlon needs to do is to spend all the time and resources necessary to make a successful new product launch. This was obviously not what happened with the Vital Radiance brand.While it may cost more time and money initially, a successful product line will easily be able to recover those expenses. As they make the decision to launch new brands or re-launch existing brands, Revlon needs to make sure all of its advertising spending is put to good use. Revlon is already deep in debt, and they need to make sure than any additional expenses will generate concrete returns. Revlon needs to refocus some of their brands, and launching new ad campaigns can help them do so. Revlon needs to find out which of its products are successfully marketed, and follow those same strategies to market their less successful product l ines.Focus is necessary in getting Revlon back on track. Effective marketing can help to increase sales both in the United States and abroad. Pro Forma The US market accounts for over half of Revlon’s sales. There is great potential for Revlon to expand its global markets. Realistically their sales in the foreign markets should be more than half of their overall sales. Revlon’s international sales have increased over the past three years, but the growth could be far more rapid. With the reorganization of Revlon’s current brands they could possibly cut some advertising costs by not having to market every product line to the same extent.Refocusing their brands with successful marketing, they might experience a slight increase in sales. I can estimate maybe a 5% increase in sales, and hopefully expenses can remain the same. Whatever extra cash is earned should be used to begin to pay off their debt. However, if neither of the strategies help turn things round, Revl on might consider be bought out by another company. Epilogue Section Revlon had made little improvement since 2007. The company maintains a debt in excess of over 1. 3 billion dollars. Although the company stock price has increased from 13 dollar per share to around 16 dollars. Google Finance) In general Revlon is still in the same boat it was in four years ago. Over half of Revlon’s sales are still from the United States. There has been little progress made in foreign markets. However, things are starting to turn around for the company. Revlon has been facing declines in sales since 2007. Now, in the first quarter of 2011 they managed to increase sales. (WikiInvest) They are estimated to increase overall sales by 2% this year. These sales are attributed to an increase in spending of advertising. Apparently the marketing efforts are beginning to pay off.This additional spending has helped to strengthen some of the Revlon brands. While things are beginning to look positive, th ey are going to need a much greater increase in sales to help pay off the debt. If they continued to lose sales in today’s times I would say it would be smart to consider selling out to another company. The recent albeit small turn around might give Revlon one last chance pay off its debt and become a big player in the industry. Resources: http://www. wikinvest. com/stock/Revlon_(REV)/News/2566033/Revlon_Reports_First_Quarter_2011_Results http://www. google. com/finance? q=NYSE:REV

Monday, July 29, 2019

Information Technology Application in Marketing Homework Essay

Information Technology Application in Marketing Homework - Essay Example There are several reasons that underpin Facebook Popularity, and a possible continued lead in the social media platform. Some of them discussed below. First, the product creator understands the value of customers and the need to be at par with their changing needs and preference. Although Facebook is a unique product that may not need much attention, it requires persistent value addition to make it lively and relevant to the existing and new users. This continually led to invention and creativity of the highest degree to keep consumers at the edge, yearning for more each day. Facebook, continue to redesign their user interface to bring a whole and fresh experience to various users who desire for a more fulfilling service even with their phones, which might lack high specification. The user interface is unrivalled. The support department, working around the clock, and takes subscribers suggestion seriously creates a true sense of belonging that any product creator will need with his customers. Evident in this light of the argument is the recent change in the Facebook user interface after many subscribers demanded for a change. Such trends also happed in the past, which have conceived the present face of the network. According to Luten (146), customer value is the epic of marketing, and a key determinant of market position and leadership. Security issues serve a major boost to Facebook compared to MySpace. Looking at individual user profiles, most people give true data and more information that is sensitive. Aware of this possible loophole that might explain the increase plummeting of MySpace popularity among users, Facebook majors on connecting people who at least know each other. People feel safe connecting with people they know as opposed to strangers. In 2008, the reality found its way down to many users who viewed the need to be secure online. This was a period of escalating cybercrimes, and users demanded a safe and

Sunday, July 28, 2019

All art is a lie that helps us see the truth more clearly- Pablo Essay

All art is a lie that helps us see the truth more clearly- Pablo Picasso - Essay Example When we say art, we mean something that a person can look at and interpret. Art is a visual perception of its author; it highlights the main subject to depict its reality. The exaggeration of the illusion can be considered as a lie that reveals the truth behind the scenes much more clearly through the art performed, painted or sung. (Simon, 2007) In his own quote, Picasso illustrates an artistic touch to call art, a lie. By that he meant the illusion, the self created image of any topic and the observed scenario which an artist creates to send the message through. Hence, using all the human senses, the artist uses self expression to make analysis about the truth that lies behind the mirror. It is on one part the mirror image but much more of a deep scan that illustrated all the parts. Many artist find that in variety of subjects, much like Yehudi Menuhin, the famous American violinist on NY Times explained: â€Å"I look upon music as the most complete exposition of the body and spir it of man – and of our universe† (NY Times, June 1986)... , The Romantic Manifesto, 47) The excerpt explains it very deeply of how no real apple can actually look like the painted apple but yet gives the direct image of how delicious and ripe the apple is. Art hence covers dimensions of a human brain for it to pursue its desires. Arts that include poetry and theatre performance play a major role in defining how a simple lie, much like Ayn Rands’ Visual Abstractions can sum up major historical events and move people to find the truth amongst the words. In stage direction, now a day, art is being judged on the amount of hits it can get rather the quality of work and the meaning behind the scenes. It is taken as a time past rather, as Harold Clurman says â€Å"as a real communication through the mask of a fable†. (Lies like Truth, 1958) Poetic illusions As Art discovers many dimensions, it plays with words and thoughts, creating images and lies that a person is inclined to look into, to make it a reality. Shel Silverstein through is versatile poetic sense creates an illusion of a tree that can speak, â€Å"Once there was a tree... and she loved a little boy. And every day the boy would come and he would gather her leaves and make them into crowns and play king of the forest. ....... and the tree was happy But the time went by And the boy grew older. And the tree was often alone† (The Giving Tree) In this exemplary piece of art, the poet looks into a lie that is a tree that can speak, but infact is much more than that, for many the tree can be our family on which we stand by every day and they are there to help. Through art, Silverstein emphases that how reality revolves around how human wants are never ending but by the end of everything we go back to nature, where it all start. Too look behind the lie is the art of the reader,

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Patients with terminal and preterminal cancer- Evidence Based Practice Assignment

Patients with terminal and preterminal cancer- Evidence Based Practice - Assignment Example Round the clock administration of oral morphine for acute and chronic pain in patients with terminal and preterminal cancer is a widely accepted procedure. However, the need to administer the drug frequently and the increased risk of analgesic efficacy poses a problem in the management of pain in cancer patients. Several studies have reported other means of administration of opioid without altering the analgesic efficacy and without cumbersome dosing schedules. A couple of such important strategies are controlled-release morphine tablets and fentanyl-transdermal therapeutic system. To ascertain as to which is a better strategy for pain relief in cancer patients review of literature is essential. Making clinical decisions based on appropriate evidence is known as evidence-based practice. According to McKibbon (1998), "Evidence-based practice (EBP) is an approach to health care wherein health professionals use the best evidence possible, i.e. the most appropriate information available, to make clinical decisions for individual patients. EBP values, enhances and builds on clinical expertise, knowledge of disease mechanisms, and pathophysiology. It involves complex and conscientious decision-making based not only on the available evidence but also on patient characteristics, situations, and preferences." Literature review is the most critical exercise for EBP. Literature search for EBP can be done effectively by creating appropriate question in PICO format. In this assignment, literature review for an evidence-based answer of a clinical question will be discussed after deciphering the question in PICO format. The literature search will be performed in a systematic manner through electronic databases. Clinical Question "In patients with terminal and preterminal cancer, which is the most appropriate strategy for pain relief? Oral sustained release morphine or transdermal fentanyl?" PICO Population: Patients with cancer in preterminal or terminal stages with acute or chronic pain Intervention: Orals sustained release morphine Comparison: Intradermal fentanyl Outcome: Relief from pain Search Process The commencement of search in electronic databases was based on the inclusion/exclusion criteria and knowledge of the hierarchies of evidence. Hierarchy provides a confidence measure to the end-user (Evans, 2003). According to Evans (2003), random control trials can be considered of good standard and they are in fact labeled as the gold standard of research for providing optimal research designs to answer pertinent questions. However, systemic reviews and meta-analysis have topped the hierarchy list. The databases used for search were PUBMED, Google Scholar and CINAHL. The MESH terms used in PUBMED were cancer pain (AND), morphine (AND), fentanyl (AND), & pain (AND). The limits used were adults and

Friday, July 26, 2019

Language and Content Objectives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Language and Content Objectives - Essay Example Language and content learning can be segregated in three domains, i.e. Social Language (SL), School Navigational Language (SNL) and Curriculum Content Language (CCL). While all these domains aim at developing the linguistic skills and communication abilities of pupils at their early life, their core purposes differ widely in their application. For instance, the objective of SL is mainly to assist the learners to communicate with their family members and friends when conducting their daily activities. Thus, at a larger paradigm it helps in creating a social status for the learners amid their surrounding community. Again, SNL helps the learners to communicate with their peers and teachers, inducing a degree of formalism in their language, when communicating within the school environment. Accordingly, CCL emphasises helping learners to communicate with teachers, instructors as well as peers, wherein the learners focus on obtaining instructions and following them within the classroom env ironment. Thus, it can be stated that while SL is a much casual approach, SNL and CCL are gradually more systematic and formal procedures of communication that the learners need to implement in their day-to-day interaction (Haynes & Zacarian, 2010; Bailey & Heritage,

There is a real danger of a house price bubble in London. Discuss Essay - 2

There is a real danger of a house price bubble in London. Discuss - Essay Example ms to be a danger in the house price bubble, which results from a combination of different factors and there are several signs that the property market in London may be headed to an adjustment. The house prices in London seem to be changing each and every day and barely does a week go without the good news that the prices will supposedly rise. This is as a result of the investment circle spreading through the major towns of London. There have been other optimistic predictions that the prices in London to go up by about 40% according to Knight Frank. There are several factors and evidence that shows that show prospect for a real danger in the housing industry. Buyers from outside London are limited but are an important part of the housing market. The urge from these clients for new homes has catalyzed the current building of the luxury apartments (Barkham, 2012). Despite all these, changing the world economic conditions together with tough government controls on some important things like the visas threatens London housing industry. (Balling, 2006) If there will be a halt in the buying of houses by foreigners in London, it may result in a significant drop in demand and supply will increase reducing the price of the houses. The erection of new houses contributes for majority of the upcoming house stock, but they have a limited life on the market shelves and will appreciate slowly than the existing counterparts. More so, newly constructed buildings tend to a little bit expensive compared homes per Unit Square. London is expected to experience an increase in the number of new homes in the recent years, which threatens the house supply and demand in the country. The new homes will help in the elevation of Londons property prices near the future but may lead to long- term effects on the market prices (Barkham, 2012). There is a gradual appreciation in the house prices in areas where there have been new buildings, but this, in the long run, comes down, and foreign

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Authority of Shipper's Representatives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Authority of Shipper's Representatives - Essay Example This paper stresses that Shipper’s Representative is authorized to aid Production Scheduling for shipment by use of work orders daily.   This includes screening of customer purchase order vs. company work orders for agreement, preparation of shipping invoices and/or packing lists, preparation of international export documentation (if any), determines method of shipment and preparation of appropriate carrier’s paperwork using established guidelines. S/He affixes shipping labels on packed cartons. Compares identifying information and counts, weighs or measures items of incoming and outgoing shipments to verify information against bill of lading, invoices, order, or other records. S/He is authorized to keep and maintains inventory of shipping materials and supplies.This paper outlines that the seller must see to it that shipment schedule is met. Where the seller is required or authorized to send goods to the buyer and the contract does not require him to deliver them at a particular destination, then unless otherwise agreed he must under Subsection (a) of Section 2-504. However, any quotation or forecast on an order acknowledgment is only an estimate of the time required to make shipment and seller will not assume liability, substantial or otherwise, because of any delay or failure to deliver all or any part of any order for any reason, including its active or passive negligence.... S/He affixes shipping labels on packed cartons. Compares identifying information and counts, weighs or measures items of incoming and outgoing shipments to verify information against bill of lading, invoices, order, or other records. S/He is authorized to keep and maintains inventory of shipping materials and supplies. Section 2-504 Shipment by Seller. The seller must see to it that shipment schedule is met. Where the seller is required or authorized to send goods to the buyer and the contract does not require him to deliver them at a particular destination, then unless otherwise agreed he must under Subsection (a) of Section 2-504, Part 5, he must put the goods in the possession of such a carrier and make such contract for their transportation and promptly notify the buyer of the shipment. However, any quotation or forecast on an order acknowledgment is only an estimate of the time required to make shipment and seller will not assume liability, substantial or otherwise, because of any delay or failure to deliver all or any part of any order for any reason, including its active or passive negligence. The seller reserves the right to allocate inventories and current production in any way it deems desirable. Authority of Shipper's Rep. 4 Section (2-505). Seller's Shipment under Reservation, Subsection (1) stipulates "where the seller identified the goods to the contract by or before shipment". The provisions of this section authorized the seller or his nominee to procure a negotiable bill of lading to his own order that binds him the security of interest in the goods. It gives him the right to effect transfer of the goods to the named person or buyer.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

What are the major problems with the evolutionist practice of Essay - 1

What are the major problems with the evolutionist practice of classifying cultures into stages of progressive development - Essay Example 87). This evolutionary progression of societies and cultures was highly applauded, as most anthropologists touted it as the preeminent means of truly understanding the societal setting in terms of development. Through this, such social anthropologists and theorists as Henry Morgan highly relied on this conception of social evolutionism to describe the various developmental stages that societies and cultures were undergoing. This position perceived societal and cultural differences as being the result of the given societies undergoing varied stages of the social evolutionistic phases (Evans-Pritchard 2004, p. 112). However, with the continued research and analysis, speculations have arisen over the realism of this social theory of classifying cultures into varied developmental stages. The emerging contemporary view on this was that the theory has imperfections and cannot be fully referred to in explanation of the cultural diversities and differences that exist (Kuper 1988, p. 199). While the earlier anthropologists held the view that societal development took place as a single entity, subsequent social anthropologists are of the view that this societal development is variant upon each soci ety, with each exhibiting its own levels of developmental stages distinct from others. In delimiting the shortcomings of the evolutionist practice of classifying cultures into subsequent stages of progressive development, classical theorists argue that the theory fails to look at the varying environments in which the different societies are traced. This provides a possible perspective from which the social evolutionism theory fails to fully capture the manner in which societies are set. Furthermore, such early anthropologists as Edward Taylor specifically relied upon information from indigenous cultures, and drew conclusions from such findings and generalizing them to the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Quality Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Quality Management - Essay Example (ISO, 2008) Total Quality Management is one approach which can be used to improve an enhance product quality. Dr. Edwards Demming came up with the idea of total quality management, and this idea was first adopted and implemented by the Japanese. Total Quality Management is continuously improving products and processes by focusing on quality at each stage of production. It tries to get it right the first time and not have any defects. There is an emphasis on ensuring that the customer is always satisfied as total quality management has a consumer comes first orientation and in this context the customer can be other people/departments in the same business that the task is being completed for, not just the final customer. (Stark, 1998) Enhancing efficiency eventually adds to quality products in terms of lower costs either in the form of less wastage or higher output per input. The business should keep a constant check of efficiency levels with the help of either factor productivity or labor productivity ratios.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Modern gadgets Essay Example for Free

Modern gadgets Essay Symbian OS is designed for the mobile phone environment. It addresses constraints of mobile phones by providing a framework to handle low memory situations, a power management model, and a rich software layer implementing industry standards for communications, telephony and data rendering. Even with these abundant features, Symbian OS puts no constraints on the integration of other peripheral hardware. This flexibility allows handset manufacturers to pursue innovative and original designs. Symbian OS is proven on several platforms. It started life as the operating system for the Psion series of consumer PDA products (including Series 5mx, Revo and netBook), and various adaptations by Diamond, Oregon Scientific and Ericsson. The first dedicated mobile phone incorporating Symbian OS was the Ericsson R380 Smartphone, which incorporated a flip-open keypad to reveal a touch screen display and several connected applications. Most recently available is the Nokia 9210Communicator, a mobile phone that has a QWERTY keyboard and color display, and is fully open to third-party applications written in Java or C++. The five key points small mobile devices, mass-market, intermittent wireless connectivity, diversity of products and an open platform for independent software developers are the premises on which Symbian OS was designed and developed. This makes it distinct from any desktop, workstation or server operating system. This also makes Symbian OS different from embedded operating systems, or any of its competitors, which werent designed with all these key points in mind. Symbian is committed to open standSymbian OS is designed for the mobile phone environment. It addresses constraints of mobile phones by providing a framework to handle low memory situations, a power management model, and a rich software layer implementing industry standards for communications, telephony and data rendering. Even with these abundant features, Symbian OS puts no constraints on the integration of other peripheral hardware. This flexibility allows handset manufacturers to pursue innovative and original designs. Symbian OS is proven on several platforms. It started life as the operating system for the Psion series of consumer PDA products (including Series 5mx, Revo and netBook), and various adaptations by Diamond, Oregon Scientific and Ericsson. The first dedicated mobile phone incorporating Symbian OS was the Ericsson R380 Smartphone, which incorporated a flip-open keypad to reveal a touch screen display and several connected applications. Most recently available is the Nokia 9210Communicator, a mobile phone that has a QWERTY keyboard and color display, and is fully open to third-party applications written in Java or C++. The five key points small mobile devices, mass-market, intermittent wireless connectivity, diversity of products and an open platform for independent software developers are the premises on which Symbian OS was designed and developed. This makes it distinct from any desktop, workstation or server operating system. This also makes Symbian OS different from embedded operating systems, or any of its competitors, which werent designed with all these key points in mind. Symbian is committed to open standards. Symbian OS has a POSIX-compliant interface and a Sun-approved JVM, and the company is actively working with emerging standards, such as J2ME, Bluetooth, MMS, SyncML, IPv6 and WCDMA. As well as its own developer support organization, books, papers and courses, Symbian delivers a global network of third-party competency and training centers the Symbian Competence Centers and Symbian Training Centers. These are specifically directed at enabling other organizations and developers to take part in this new economy. Symbian has announced and implemented a strategy that will see Symbian OS running on many advanced open mobile phones. Small devices come in many shapes and sizes, each addressing distinct target markets that have different requirements. The market segment we are interested in is that of the mobile phone. The primary requirement of this market segment is that all products are great phones. This segment spans voice-centric phones with information capability to information-centric devices with voice capability. These advanced mobile phones integrate fully-featured personal digital assistant (PDA) capabilities with those of a traditional mobile phone in a single unit. There are several critical factors for the need of operating systems in this market. It is important to look at the mobile phone market in isolation. It has specific needs that make it unlike markets for PCs or fixed domestic appliances. Scaling down a PC operating system, or bolting communication capabilities onto a small and basic operating system, results in too many fundamental compromises. Symbian believes that the mobile phone market has five key characteristics that make it unique, and result in the need for a specifically designed operating system: 1) mobile phones are both small and mobile. 2) mobile phones are ubiquitous they target a mass-market of consumer, enterprise and professional users. 3) mobile phones are occasionally connected they can be used when connected to the wireless phone network, locally to other devices, or on their own. 4) manufacturers need to differentiate their products in order to innovate and compete in a fast-evolving market. ards. Symbian OS has a POSIX-compliant interface and a Sun-approved JVM, and the company is actively working with emerging standards, such as J2ME, Bluetooth, MMS, SyncML, IPv6 and WCDMA. As well as its own developer support organization, books, papers and courses, Symbian delivers a global network of third-party competency and training centers the Symbian Competence Centers and Symbian Training Centers. These are specifically directed at enabling other organizations and developers to take part in this new economy. Symbian has announced and implemented a strategy that will see Symbian OS running on many advanced open mobile phones. Small devices come in many shapes and sizes, each addressing distinct target markets that have different requirements. The market segment we are interested in is that of the mobile phone. The primary requirement of this market segment is that all products are great phones. This segment spans voice-centric phones with information capability to information-centric devices with voice capability. These advanced mobile phones integrate fully-featured personal digital assistant (PDA) capabilities with those of a traditional mobile phone in a single unit. There are several critical factors for the need of operating systems in this market. It is important to look at the mobile phone market in isolation. It has specific needs that make it unlike markets for PCs or fixed domestic appliances. Scaling down a PC operating system, or bolting communication capabilities onto a small and basic operating system, results in too many fundamental compromises. Symbian believes that the mobile phone market has five key characteristics that make it unique, and result in the need for a specifically designed operating system: 1) mobile phones are both small and mobile. 2) mobile phones are ubiquitous they target a mass-market of consumer, enterprise and professional users. 3) mobile phones are occasionally connected they can be used when connected to the wireless phone network, locally to other devices, or on their own. 4) manufacturers need to differentiate their products in order to innovate and compete in a fast-evolving market.

Digital X-Ray Market Essay Example for Free

Digital X-Ray Market Essay

Sunday, July 21, 2019

French Essays Affaire Dreyfus

French Essays Affaire Dreyfus Discuter là ©volutiondes intellectuels francais depuis laffaire Dreyfus Pendantplus quun sià ¨cle, la prà ©sence des intellectuels en France est sans doute trà ¨simportante. Ils ont un rà ´le influent dans la socià ©tà © franaise et les nomscomme Zola, Sartre, Là ©vy et Debray sont connus partout dans le monde. Biensà »r, les intellectuels ne se trouvent pas seulement en France, mais il estprobablement l, avec ses grandes à ©coles et la culture de discussionintellectuelle dans les cafà ©s, oà ¹ on trouvera ceux qui ont le plus de respectet le plus dinfluence. La position de lintellectuel franais au sein de lasocià ©tà © franaise est significative. La France est fià ¨re de ceux qui donnentune voix au peuple dans un pays avec une histoire parfois anarchiste. Laprà ©sence des intellectuels tout moment important pendant le dernier sià ¨cle,ainsi que leurs contributions aux discussions politiques et sociales montrecombien lopinion des intellectuels est importante. Cependant,on verra que la position de lintellegensia a beaucoup changà © au cours dusià ¨cle. À laube dun nouveau millenium, il est aujourdhui que lesintellectuels franais se trouvent dans une situation inconnue. Est-ce quilssont destinà ©s de devenir perdu dans un monde dominà © par les nouvellestechnologies, oà ¹ est-ce que leurs dà ©clarations portent la mà ªme signification aujourdhuiquil y a cent ans? Laffaire Dreyfus et la naissance de lintellectuel Onpeut datà © exactement le moment oà ¹ le terme intellectuel est entrà © danslhistoire. Le13 janvier 1898, Georges Clemanceau, rà ©dacteur du journal radical LAurorepublie une lettre adressà ©e au Prà ©sident du Troisià ¨me Republique. La lettresappelle Jaccuse, et il sagit dun capitaine juif danslarmà ©e franaise, Alfred Dreyfus. En 1895, celui-ci est condamnà © peine devie pour la trahison et lespionnage. En fait, Dreyfus nà ©tait pas coupable,mais vu que lantisà ©mitisme fut trà ¨s populaire cette à ©poque-l, Dreyfus estsoumis une injustice extrà ªme. Là ©glise, là ©tat, et les mà ©dias lecondamnent, mais en effet, il à ©tait une victime des sentiments anti-sà ©mitiques. Aprà ¨ssa dà ©portation là ®le du Diable en 1895, la famille de Dreyfus essaie de lelibà ©rà ©, mais sans succà ¨s. Finalement, son pà ¨re à ©crit au à ©crivain, Emile Zola.Celui-ci devient donc le dà ©fenseur de Dreyfus, cest une personne cà ©là ¨bre etrespectà ©e avec une voix forte dans un climat anti-sà ©mitique. Zola accuse uneautre personne, Walsin Esterhazy, et il accuse le militaire et là ©tat duneconspiration contre Dreyfus. Pendant les semaines suivantes, la campagne deZola attire les autres personnages respectà ©s qui incluent les intellectuels etles à ©crivains comme Marcel Proust et Andrà © Gide. à ©videment, sur lautrecà ´te, il existe aussi les adversaires de Zola, ceux qui croyaient que là ©tatet là ©glise à ©taient suprà ªmes, et que de les remettre en cause à ©taient latrahison elle-mà ªme. En 1899 Zola est condamnà © aussi, et il sest mis en exileen Angleterre. Laffaireest donc divisà © en deux divisions opposantes, les Dreyfusards, Zola, Proust,Anatole France et Eduard Drumont (rà ©dacteur du journal la LibreParole) qui soutiennent Alfred Dreyfus, et qui luttent sans cessepour sa libà ©ration. Les antidreyfusards prennent la position adversaire, etils incluent Alphonse et Là ©on Daudet, Barrà ©s, Copà ©e, et Bourget. Aprà ¨s six ansde lutte, Alfred Dreyfus est libà ©rà ©, la victoire pour les Dreyfusards nestpas seulement une victoire pour Dreyfus, mais aussi pour tous les gens quiavaient à ©tà © maltraità ©s par là ©tat, mais qui auparavant navait aucun moyen dese dà ©fendre. Ilest à ©vident que les actions des Dreyfusards et la lutte menà ©e, et gagnà ©e contrelà ©tat ouvrent la porte aux intellectuels franais. Cependant, on verra quece chapitre nest quun dà ©but, et que le rà ´le des intellectuels à ©volue au coursdu sià ¨cle. La dà ©finition dun intellectuel Aprà ¨slaffaire Dreyfus, peut-à ªtre croit-on quil est facile de comprendre le rà ´ledes intellectuels dans la socià ©tà © franaise. On peut les dà ©crire comme lesdà ©fendeurs des droits de lhomme, les champions de la và ©rità ©, mais cesdescriptions sont probablement trop simplistes. Un intellectuel nest passeulement quelquun avec une bonne à ©ducation, sinon on pourrait dire que tousles à ©crivains, les journalistes, les universitaires sont les intellectuels,ceci nest pas le cas. Dà ªtre un intellectuel du mà ªme genre de Zola, il fautquelque chose de plus. Il faut quun intellectuel utilise son nom et sonprestige pour sengager dans une actività © au dehors de son domainedexpertise. Lintellectuelsera un homme du culturel; crà ©ature ou mà ©diateur, mis en situationdhomme du politique, producteur ou consommateur didà ©ologie. Ni un simplecatà ©gorie socioprofessionnelle, ni un simple personnage irrà ©ductible. Ilsagira dun statut, comme dans la dà ©finition sociologique, mains transcendà ©par une volontà © individuelle, comme dans la dà ©finition à ©thique, et tournà © versun usage collectif   Grà ¢ce leur intelligence et leur à ©ducation supà ©rieure, les intellectuels commandentdu respect et leurs opinions sont estimà ©es, souvent plus que celles des hommesde politique. Bien quil soit probablement naÃÆ' ¯f, il est vrai de dire que lesgens sont mà ©fiants de ceux-ci, pendant que les intellectuels sont considà ©rà ©scomme impartiaux. Au cours du sià ¨cle Ilparait que laffaire Dreyfus marque la vraie naissance du mouvementintellectuel en France, mà ªme si Zola nest pas vraiment le premierintellectuel individuel. Victor Hugo est son inspiration et là ©crivain Jacquesle Goff a à ©crit un livre au sujet des intellectuels en France mà ©dià ©velle.Toutefois, laffaire Dreyfus remonte le profil de lintellectuel, et il estun profil qui est paru de plus en plus pendant le vingtià ¨me sià ¨cle. Dansles annà ©es suivantes, les intellectuels franais interviennent souvent dansles discussions. Pendant la premià ¨re guerre mondiale, les intellectuelspacifistes comme Henri Barbusse et Romain Rolland essayent douvrir les yeuxdes franais aux atroces commis pendant la guerre. Barbusse, dans son livre  Le feu, journal dune escouade   raconte sesexpà ©riences du feu des tranchà ©es, et il y exprime ses aspirations pacifistes. Enplein conflit mondial, il apparaà ®t un mouvement surrà ©aliste. Autour du poà ¨teromain, Tristan Tzara, le cosmopolitisme du groupe est dà ©j une provocation.La date de naissance officielle du mouvement surrà ©aliste est en 1924 et pendantles annà ©es vingt ce groupe de jeunes artistes essaie de   bouleverser lavie   et   libà ©rer lesprit  . Ils soutiennent la lutte contreloccupation des colonies. Le surrà ©aliste Louis Aragon annonce son oppositionet quitte le mouvement, disant que lart devrait reprà ©senter la socià ©tà © commeelle à ©tait, il voulait dire que le mouvement surrà ©aliste devrait à ªtre partisanet dà ©fendeur du parti communiste (PCF). Le communisme et le fascisme Pendantles annà ©es trente, face la menace du fascisme, un groupe dintellectuelsfranais sunissent. Ils participent dans les comità ©s et les confà ©rences etsignent les pà ©titions contre le fascisme. Pendant loccupation nazie de laFrance, ce groupe dintellectuels travaillent en secret sur le nom du  Comità © national des à ©crivains   pour rà ©sister au   NouvelOrdre  , soutenu par les intellectuels opposà ©s, comme Pierre Drieu LaRochelle et Louis-Ferdinand Cà ©line. Lexpà ©riencede la Rà ©sistance pendant la guerre souligne exactement le rà ´le desintellectuels, mais la distinction entre les opinions universelles et lapolitique commence devenir confusà ©e. Le philosophe Julien Benda se plaignede la trahison des intellectuels qui donnent leur soutien en faveur desidà ©ologies politiques au lieu des idà ©ologies universelles. À cette à ©poque-l,lun des intellectuels le plus cà ©là ¨bres fait sa marque sur lhistoirefranaise. Jean-Paul Sartre souligne le rà ´le et la responsabilità © delintellectuel franais. Dans son ouvrage,   Quest-ce que lalittà ©rature  ? (1948)  , Sartre encourage lintellectuel franaisdagir selon la situation dans laquelle il se trouve. Sartre lui-mà ªme montreson engagement en à ©crivant des pà ©titions et des lettres sur plusieurs problà ¨mes,en particulier en ce qui concerne la guerre en Algà ©rie oà ¹ il mà ¨ne une campagnecontre la guerre elle-mà ªme, et, en particulier la torture. Mà ªmesi lon pense de lintellectuel comme dà ©fendeur des idà ©ologies universelles,les intellectuels sont toujours sur une grande pression dappartenir un partipolitique. Il est cette pression qui endommage la rà ©putation du mouvementintellectuel pendant les annà ©es suivantes. Sartre nappartient pas un partipolitique, il cherche trouver un compromis entre le capitalisme occidental etle politique de Stalin. Mà ªme sil ny appartient pas officiellement, Sartresoutient le PCF. Dautres intellectuels ne sont pas aussi timides avec leursaffiliations politiques, Aragon, à ©luard et Guillevic soutiennent ouvertement lePCF et Stalin. Les intellectuels communistes se collaborent avec lennemipendant loccupation nazie, et cette collaboration sape de plus la rà ©putationimpartiele des intellectuels. Raymon Aron est un intellectuel qui na pas la fascinationavec le marxisme en commun avec ses pairs, mais il est une figure solitairedans un pays oà ¹ le communisme est populaire. Il nest pas daccord avec unegrande majorità © des intellectuels et sa dissertation,   LOpium desintellectuels   (1955) oppose aux idà ©ologies communistes. Il estaprà ¨s linvasion de la Hongrie par la Russie que Sartre et les autresintellectuels retirent leur soutien du PCF, mais ils se tournent vers lesnouveaux rà ©gimes en Chine et au Cuba. Che Guevara est devenu une figureimportante pour les intellectuels. Les annà ©es 60-70 Lesà ©và ©nements de mai 1968 sont vus comme un succà ¨s pour les intellectuels. Il esteux, et non pas les ouvriers, qui provoquent les troubles. Mais on doit aussinoter que bien que cette à ©poque soit considà ©rà ©e comme un succà ¨s, lesà ©và ©nements soulignent aussi une division profonde entre les ouvriers et lesintellectuels. Pendantles annà ©es 70, les intellectuels interviennent dans plusieurs domaines, enparticulier les problà ¨mes concernant les paysans, les prisonniers, et lesouvriers immigrà ©s. Comme dans les annà ©es prà ©cà ©dentes, les intellectuelsessaient de donner une voix aux groupes pià ©tinà ©s mais il semble que plusieursde ces interventions naient pas beaucoup de succà ¨s. Il y a quelquesexceptions quand mà ªme, en 1971, le journal le Nouvel observateur publieun manifeste important. Simone de Beauvoir est parmi 343 femmes qui dà ©clarentde se faire avorter  ; ce manifeste mà ¨ne un changement là ©gislatif, lesfemmes obtiennent le droit de choisir. Letravail de Simone de Beauvoir, et dautres intellectuels ce moment-l marqueun changement subtil, mais important dans le rà ´le de lintellectuel franais.Auparavant, lintellectuel a luttà © pour la justice quelque soit le domaineaffectà ©, mais de plus en plus,le   nouveau intellectuel   ne seprononce sur les discussions dans son domaine de spà ©cialisme. Il parait que cegenre dintellectuel ne veut pas entrer dans les discussions au dehors de sondomaine de compà ©tence. Ladà ©sillusion des annà ©es 70 est soulignà ©e aussi par la publication de   TheGoulag Archipelago   par Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Cette publicationternisse limage de la Russie sous le rà ©gime de Stalin, et avec les preuves dugà ©nocide au Cambodge, les intellectuels deviennent anti-marxiste. Lesidà ©ologies des partisans communistes, et donc les intellectuels qui leur ontsoutenu sont mis en question pour la premià ¨re fois. Les jeunes intellectuelscomme Bernard-Henri Là ©vy et Andrà © Glucksmann, qui ont à ©tà © partisans du PCF,lient le communisme avec le fascisme, et retirent leur soutien. En juin 1979,Sartre demande au Prà ©sident daider le peuple vietnamien, ce qui montre queSartre est devenu aussi anti-communiste. PierreBourdieu est un autre adversaire du travail des intellectuels. Il dà ©critlintellectuel dans ses ouvrages,   La distinction, Homo academicus etLes Rà ¨gles de lart  , plutà ´t comme un genre dhomme de politique,au lieu dun hà ©ro du peuple. La position de lintellectuel aujourdhui Vuque la critique contre les intellectuels ne cesse pas augmenter, on sedemande alors si lintellectuel franais est une espà ¨ce en voie dedisparition. Peut-etre faut-il rà ©definir la description de lintellectuel.Winnock à ©crit  :   Les intellectuels ont aussi un rà ´le organique exercer, etreles ouvriers de cette dà ©mocratie impossible, rà ©gime de libertà © limità ©e,dà ©galità © approximative et de fraternità © intermittente (..)Plus large, plus profond, plus durable que les cris despamphlà ©taires et les manifestes des pà ©titionnaires, cest le travail quotidiendes intellectuels anonymes comme à ©ducateurs notamment qui me parait devoirà ªtre reconnu comme le và ©ritable contre-pouvoir, la fois critique etorganique, au sein de la socià ©tà © dà ©mocratique  . Dansson ouvrage, Le Dictionnaire des Intellectuels Winnock parle plutà ´t desà ©và ©nements au lieu des intellectuels individuels, il parait alors quelintellectuel lui-mà ªme, nexiste plus. Les mortes des personnagesimportantes pendant les annà ©es 90, comme Marguerite Duras, Franois Furet etGilles Deleuze soutiennent cette idà ©e, mais il est peut-à ªtre un peu simpliste.En à ©crivant un tel ouvrage, Winnock illustre le fait que les franais restenttoujours fascinà ©s par les intellectuels impressifs. En fait, pendant lesannà ©es 80, plus de 30 livres sont publià ©s au sujet des intellectuels, etdepuis 1990, plus de 80 livres en plus ont à ©tà © à ©crits. Il semble que lesfranais ne sont pas encore prà ªts oublier les intellectuels respectà ©s. Malgrà ©les observations de Winnock et le silence des intellectuels pendant les annà ©es 80,il est à ©vident quaux annà ©es 90, les intellectuels recommencent trouver leur voix.Les discussions politiques concernant les guerres en Bosnie, en Croatie, eten Iraq provoquent les interventions intellectuelles. En 1995, Juppà © proposeun plan de rà ©forme qui provoque les grà ¨ves et les manifestations. Lesintellectuels jouent un rà ´le important en critiquant ces rà ©formes, ils sontdivisà ©s en deux partis, ceux qui soutiennent les rà ©formes, et ceux quià ©crivent des pà ©titions contre celles-ci. Cette   guerre depà ©titions   souligne aussi la diffà ©rence entre les intellectuels universels,et ceux qui ont plus de spà ©cialisme dans le domaine de laide sociale. Pendantces discussions, lintellectuel franais parait comme un citoyen parmi tout lemonde au lieu dun guide suprà ªme. Ily a une autre intervention quil faut mentionner. En 1999, Debray va Kosovopendant le conflit. À son retour, Le Monde publie une   lettredun voyageur au Prà ©sident de la Rà ©publique  , dans laquelle Debrayattaque lOTAN. Les parallà ¨les entre cette lettre et le soutien donnà © au PCFet les idà ©ologies fascistes dans les annà ©es passà ©es sont à ©videntes. Ceci nedonne pas une bonne impression des intellectuels laube dun nouveaumillenium. Les mà ©dias Lesnouveaux mà ©dias jouent un rà ´le important dans là ©volution des intellectuels.On peut les voir comme une avance bienvenue pour intellectuel, ils leurdonnent loccasion de communiquer ses idà ©es plus efficacement, mais lesnouveaux mà ©dias sont aussi considà ©rà ©s comme une menace. Rà ©gis Debray est unintellectuel qui les critique. Selon lui  : Là ¨rede lintelligentsia sera celle de la plus grande inintelligence. En effet, ily a un rapport inverse entre la valeur informative dun message et sacommunicabilità ©Ã‚   Ilsemble que lavance des nouveaux mà ©dias mine limportance et le prestige desintellectuels. Ceci parait contradictoire lidà ©e originale delintellectuel. Les mà ©dias donnent aux intellectuels loccasion datteindre unplus grand public. En effet, il est grà ¢ce la presse à ©crite que lesDreyfusards ont eu du succà ¨s il y a cent ans mais cependant, maintenant on estplus mà ©fiant de la presse et les mà ©dias. Il est à ©vident quaujourdhui laplupart des à ©là ¨ves vont luniversità ©, le niveau dà ©ducation est plus haut etcomme rà ©sultat, les gens questionnent les opinions des intellectuels au lieu deles acceptà ©es sans questions. Conclusion Onne peut pas discuter que le rà ´le de lintellectuel franais a à ©voluà © beaucoupau cours du sià ¨cle. Laffaire Dreyfus et les à ©và ©nements de mai 1968 peuvent à ªtrevu comme les points culminants pendant le sià ¨cle, mais il est aussiincontestable que les intellectuels franais ont jouà © un rà ´le important dans laplupart des discussions controversà ©es. Bien quils soient toujours lià ©s auxpartis politiques, lintellectuel est vu comme quelquun qui peut, avec sonnom et son prestige, lutter pour la justice surtout oà ¹ il faut une voiximpartial et forte. Larà ©putation de lintellectuel à ©tait bouleversà ©e pendant les annà ©es 50, lesoutien du PCF à ©tait un erreur grave, mais le fait quils ont retirà © leursoutien montre que les idà ©ologies changent et les intellectuels ont le droit dechanger leur avis. Aujourdhui on voit que les intellectuels ne sont pasaussi vite daffirmer leurs affiliations politiques, pendant les à ©lections en2002 les intellectuels à ©taient notamment silencieux. Onvoit aussi que la description dun intellectuel a changà © aussi. Il y a probablementdeux types, ceux que lon appelle   universelle  , et ceux quiprà ©fà ¨re travailler dans un domaine plus spà ©cifique. Le fait que son rà ´lecontinue de change ne veut pas dire que la fin est arrivà ©e pour lesintellectuels, tout ce quil veut dire est que les intellectuels doiventà ©voluer aussi pour rester en contact avec le peuple. Lesmà ©dias jouent aussi un rà ´le important et avec lavance des nouvellestechnologies, comme linternet par exemple, il faut attendre encore quelquesannà ©es avant de voir ce que limpact sera. Nà ©anmoins il est à ©vident que lapresse et les mà ©dias ont toujours un rà ´le important. Dansle futur, il est peut-à ªtre vrai que lon va parler de la  personnalità ©Ã‚   au lieu de   lintellectuel  , mais pourle moment, la fascination des franais et lestime quils ont pour lesintellectuels, assurent que les intellectuels ont toujours une place dans lasocià ©tà © franaise. Bibliographie Lesintellectuels en France de lAffaire Dreyfus nos jours, Pascal Ory etJean-Franois Sirelli, Paris, A. Colin, 1986 Lesià ¨cle des intellectuels, Michel Winock, Paris, Seuil, 1997. Lediable en tà ªte, Bernand-Henri Là ©vy, Paris, B.Grasset, 1984. ContemporaryFrench Cultures and Societies, Frà ©dà ©ric Royall, Peter Lang, 2004. Francetakes its intellectuals to heart, Louis Oppenheim, The Chronicle Review,edition 7 September 2001.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

â€Å"We are here in this country to bring peace and harmony through financial stability of people across Pakistan. We are here to promote individual and corporate growth nationwide and we are best at it and yes, we can†¦..† Khan Banking Corporation â€Å"Your financial partner† Khan Banking Corporation Ltd. is such a bank which I feel proud to work for. People keep on dreaming their whole life to be part of such a glorious and significant company that makes you the top priority. Yes we are the Pioneers of Banking. We are â€Å"Your Financial Partners†. We Are Demonstrating Khan Banking Corporation is the bank which is striving for excellence nationwide and also managed to make a deep place in the hearts of the people of Pakistan with their excellent and unique services of banking and finance nationwide. We are proud to announce of becoming one of the most acceptable and appreciated bank not only in Pakistan but throughout the globe. We are here to provide the best we can for our honorable and precious customers nationwide. They are our top priority and the only asset. An Annual Re-Assurance This code of conduct is not just merely a piece of paper but it is our way of living, contributing, dealing and servicing the people of company and people of Pakistan. And we make sure and expect our beloved and respectable employees to follow these codes of conduct to serve the people of Pakistan at its best. Conducting our business with the highest standards of ethics and integrity is essential to living up to the ethical banking promise of our company. By doing things the right way, we can support our customers and clients while holding true to the values we believe in. Asad Ahmad Khan C.E.O Khan Banking Corporation (KBC) Purp... ...Rendering of Services ïÆ'Ëœ Implementation and following of policy document ïÆ'Ëœ Ensuring implementation of policies ïÆ'Ëœ No hidden aspects of policy of advancement of short and long term ‘Loan Financing’. ïÆ'Ëœ Easily understandable policies. ïÆ'Ëœ Clear Whistle blowing criteria (whom to report and confidentiality that is HR department) ïÆ'Ëœ Legal action and compliance against corporate crimes (C.E.O Decision would be ultimate) Last but not the Least: Integrity, honesty, care, morality, loyalty, cooperation ,teamwork are the much needed essentials which will guide your positive actions and behavior towards the company. High aims are guided by high levels of morality and ethics. So do the right thing to make things right for yourself and your company. Make your company proud of you because these things when put together make ‘Royalty’. May all the odds will be in your favor.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Chimpanzees Essay -- essays research papers

Chimpanzees are a genus of the great ape of Africa, with long black hair and log protruding ears. Humans know them for their intelligence and there very similarities. They have developed family ties similar to man. Over the generations they have even had developed tools out of natural materials. Food for chimpanzees is very important to them due to the excessive amount eating. Chimpanzees eat a variety of foods. They will get their food in many different ways. Bananas are one of the most favored foods of chimpanzees. They will eat it with the peal on or they will take the peal off. Researchers in Africa had video camera and had been taping the primates while eating. One day while video tapeing they caught a male chimpanzee stealing a bundle of bananas from the storage tent, and put the bundle of bananas over his shoulder and walked out. The researchers did not try to top the adult male, because they knew that the adult male are very strong and can get violent if they are bothered while eating. These primates also eat variety leaves, twigs and seeds that are found through out the jungle. Chimpanzees are nomadic they will travel up to six miles a day for food. Once food is found they will spend up to seven hours a day eating. Chimpanzee will also eat meat, but it has to be fresh meat. This means that the male’s hunt and kill there own meat in groups; some of the animals they look for are baby baboons, antelope and bush pigs. Chimpanzee’s intelligence is the one that is clos...

Racism and Reconstruction :: essays papers

Racism and Reconstruction Although Lincoln's Plan of Reconstruction was not put into effect in the South after the Civil War, if it had been racism would have been almost completely avoided in the 20th century. Licoln's proposed plan was called the "10% Plan." It called for 10% of the people would voted in the 1860 Election to take a pledge of loyalty to the Union. This plan was met by harsh oppostion by the Radical Republicans in Congress who viewed the South as conquered territory. These Radicals said that Lincoln's plan was much too soft. In return, Republicans in Congress then moved to pass the Wade-Davis Bill in 1864. This bill required that a majority of the South would have to take an iron clad oath that the had never supported the Confederacy. The Wade-Davis bill was pocket-vetoed by Lincoln who was assassinated shortly after. Johnson took over the presidency and his Plan of Reconstruction was passes. Instead of Lincoln's "10% Plan", Johnson's Plan of Reconstuction was put into effect. Johnson's plan was much more acrimonious towards the South. Johnson's plan demanded that the South nullify their secessions, hold stae conventions, adopt the 13th amendment, re-elect Congressmen, The question of how to reconstruct the devistated South after the Civil War was one of immense importance in many aspects. Most would argue that the problems involving the South adjusting socially to the notion of liberated blacks was the msot heated issue. It was an issue that encompassed both a change in lifestyle as well as in longstanding moral values. Both Presdential and Congressional plans were developed in an attempt to ensure Reconstruction would be as smooth as a political, economic and social revolution as humanly possible. President Abraham Lincoln believed from the start of the War, and therefore the start of Reconstruction, that the Southern states had never legally seceded from the Untion. Therefore his plan for reconstruction would be aimed at preserving the peace of the Union and fairly rebuilding the South. Lincoln's "10 % Plan" was the Presidential attempt to see to it that the South would adhere to the ideals surrounding emancipation. Lincoln claimed he would then work on re-developing the structure of each state government. The difference of opinion between the President and Congress over this matter not only revealed the differences between each sector politically, but set the stage for heated emotions in regards to emancipation. This whole chain of events was much a part of the seperation now existing within political parties, as well as dividing views held by

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Streptpcoccus Faecalis

Gram Positive Enterics: Streptococcus faecalis Streptococcus faecalis also known as strep D, is now known as Enterococcus faecalis. Enterococcus faecalis is part of the Enterococcaceae family. This organism is a gram positive and usually occurs in pairs called diplococci. It is facultative anaerobic, and is nonmotile. This organism is a lactose fermenter and can be grown in 6. 5% NaCL. Enterococcus faecalis is considered non-hemolytic, meaning it does not break down blood cells. Enterococcus faecalis is part of normal flora in the intestines of humans, but can be found in water, soil and plants.If Enterococcus faecalis is found in others places of the body, other than the intestines, it becomes opportunistic and can cause major problems for an individual. This is commonly known as a nosocomial infection, because it becomes a concern for immunosuppressed individuals. Also Enterococcus faecalis infections can develop when a nurse neglects to clean an intravenous catheter or rectal ther mometer, and if the nurse neglected to clean those most likely its being spread to other patients.Enterococcus faecalis can cause endocarditis, bacteremia, urinary tract infections, meningitis and other hospital related infections. Unfortunately, Enterococcus faecalis is resistant to most commonly used antibiotics like cephalosporins and aminoglycosides, and a new study suggests that its becoming more resistant to vancomysin. Treatment for an infection by Enterococcus faecalis would be amoxicillin if the organism is susteptible. Treatment for Enterococcus faecalis that is resistant would consist of taking linezolid and daptomycin.The results from the gram positive enterics included: Taxo P (optichin) Resistant to Optichin Bile Esculin Positive for Group D Strep 6. 5% NaCL Positive for Growth Works Cited Bergey, D. H. , J. G. Holt, et al, et al. Berge'ys Manual of Determinative Bacteriology. 9. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams ; Wilkins, 1994. 528-549. Print. Bergey, D. H. , and D. R. Boone. Berge'ys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology. 2nd ed. 3. New York: Springer Verlag, 2010. 594-601, 608. Print.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Anti Violence Essay

Anti emphasis es assign Seven years agone I did not think strength existed in America. The most violent hazard ever committed was the tragedy of the instauration Trade Center in 9/11/01. The Trade Centers had been the target for something so horrible, and I thought at the time, This willing change the world. I was mightily round that fact our zephyrports are to a greater extent posit, we engage to overhear pass-ports anyplace you go now, you have more thorough bagage checks, and theyre more selective as to whats in your purse before boarding a plane.I think the most secure place in America right now is our major power builds. They have increase security at all our power plants, including the nuclear plants, and also there is air space around each plant so planes have to keep their infinite from them. Homeland Security is a usual word in our themes today because of 9/11. I wanted to know how. cute to know why. Wanted to know what our leadership reactions would be. T he world trade center killed many people that my friends knew and loved that go off never be replaced. This act changed the way my friends lived, loved, and acted in school.This spine-chilling nightmare was committed because terrorists took over trine planes that flew into the giant buildings. The causes of this violence is the hatred mingled with countries, states, or nations. The hatred is then passed implement to the youth generation, because we hear, and see the dislike between the grown-ups. Children learn from the wisdom and actions of what the elders do. Shooting, stabbing, verbal abuse, forcible abuse, and gang fights are a hardly a(prenominal) examples of youth violence. All of these exist in schools, neighborhoods, malls, the movies and even in your own home on the internet.Schools have tried to tour it but there is still a lot of verbal abuse anywhere in the school system you go. young violence can be stop by reporting abuse, shooting, stabbings, and anything to do with gangs. It can also be solved by not being the one that does bulling or any of the things listed above. I think it is fantastic how teachers wonder about why no one reports violence in America. My say on the matter is the kids are panicky it will only get worse if we tell a teacher or principal or any fully grown because they use our name and our grade to the punk or person that Bothers you.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Company/ individual report on roles and responsibilities Essay

Company/ individual report on roles and responsibilities Essay

A leader is.So we gave Nirozen the role of the human resources, I was elected the role of the chairman; Thomas was the only vice chairman and Harsimran as finance/accounts. The role of the marketing was given to Eugene.Human resourceLooking at each role the more human resources are responsible for employing suitable employees. Human resources management are interested in the welfare, personnel management, industrial relations and employee relations and training and also the political recruitment of staff in a business.Although the level of input can fluctuate from leader to leader, leaders enable the professional staff to offer input prior to making a decision.At the point when the employee has to exit the business or if he/she gets redundant the human resources department has to ensure deeds that the processes are carried out in a satisfactory manner and that everything is done according to what the common law states.Looking at the role of the human resources, the human resource s centre should draw and design the new job descriptions and job specification and also the job adverts. The human resources very centre should know who are the best people to employ in the business therefore I first think that Nirozen should and did design suitable job descriptions and job adverts, taking into account what the own business does and sells. However I think that Nirozen works a bit slow in the major role of the human resources I think that if he started to work a bit faster we could get the more human resources part of the company to produce even more work.

Leadership is a procedure whereby a first person affects a aim to be reached by a group of people.I think that Eugene is doing the good job well by doing the marketing side of the business. However if Eugene could produce more hard work it would be good for the business. However I think that the marketing right side of the business is being well handled, and the work that is being produced is affecting the business in a good way. Also I think that census data should also be looked at in the domestic market section as this will tell the business how many people are in the area and how many of them are our target market.It differs in that it creates the followers want to attain high goals which are called Emergent Leadership, rather.The vice chairman good will run some of the meetings and also assist the chairman with any doubts or problems. try This will take some of the burden of my shoulder.ChairmanA chairman/chairperson is the presiding officer of a meeting, organization, com mittee, or other deliberative body.Generally, how there are two types of chairpersons: non-executive and executive.

Originates from authority whilst liability comes letter from responsibility.As I am the chairman, I have to organise and run the meetings. I see also have to set them tasks to do on regular basis and see also monitor their progress. I also have to help them when getting there are in need of assistance.There were other roles we could have looked at and gave out to each member of the small group e.Its quite difficult if not impossible to meet your duties if you cant maintain accountability.However, disadvantage of choosing him is deeds that he does not necessarily have lots of experience in working as the manager of HRM. Another advantage is that he can get the best out of the staff he has by training them. Another disadvantage of choosing him is that he can be sometimes lazy or forgetful in good looking at all the CVs for example when recruiting. Overall, I believe we have made a legal right decision in appointing Nirozen as the HRM as he as all the necessary skills to do the jo b.

Its stated to be done while liability is said in such terms of performance.Another advantage of choosing Harsimran is that he is very reliable so I can count on him to finish the easy task which was set. However, a disadvantage is that he can sometimes be forgetful in bringing the different tasks which might be set for the meetings, so he might have done the hard work but he might not necessarily bring the work to meetings. Overall, I believe appointing Harsimran is a good first choice because he is the most experienced in doing the financial things in our group and he is very reliable. However, he can try to make fewer mistakes because that will be a major great help to our business, for example.Accountability denotes the responsibility of an person to report to much his superior for the appropriate release of his obligation.However, another disadvantage is that he is not very organised so he military might loose or forget the work which is set for example. Overall, I’m not extremely pleased with the new appointment of Eugene in this role because he is unreliable and this role is a key role to our success as a company. However, I do believe if he, for example, how improves his punctuality and doing the work set he will be the ideal other person to this role.Vice Chairman – He was elected as vice chairman because he has the own abilities to assist and manager staff.

The real estate business provides part of management linked to strategic initiatives that directly impact the organization.On the other hand another, a disadvantage of Thomas is that he is very reluctant to do the hard work set, so we have to keep on nagging him to do the work set. Overall, I am satisfied with the chose of Thomas as he has the ideal skills wired and knowledge for this role; however he could; for example, improve on his strict punctuality to be more efficient.Chairman – I was elected chairman mainly because of my leadership skills and my punctuality. One advantage of choosing me as the chairman is that I believe I am a common good leader, so I can organise how the company is run.Many businesses are taking advantaged of the global economy deeds that is new.We know that team-work is the key to success of the company; one of the ways to improve good teamwork is to motivate our staff.Ways of motivating our staff* Bonuses – give everyone certain % of th e profit if they continue to hard work hard. This helps them motivated and to work harder to achieve the bonuses. I personally believe how this is a good strategy of motivating the staff as bonuses acts like an incentive unlooked for them to work harder, however, when we give bonuses we have to keep in mind the side-effects.

The very first thing management is run an audit.* Give praise – give praises if they how have done a good job. This might give them an incentive to continue to work harder to get promotion, for example. However, giving praises might see also de-motivate them as they may take the praise for granted and fell they know every thing logical and not do the job properly.* Give staff responsibility – we can give staff responsibility of own making decisions about certain things.Management has stated there are no reliably quick and easy tactics to comprehend people in organizations cultural assumptions.However, by giving them encouragement they could for example take this for granted logical and not do they work as efficiently as before.Team-workWe can use several strategies to improve how our team working. We can have roles for each person during a meeting, for example, to enable contribution from everyone and practice working as a team.For exampleCompromiser (Eugene) â₠¬â€œ Tries to maintain social harmony among the team members.

Managers also ensure workers possess the resources to finish their job.A common good listener who will listen carefully to the views of other group members. Good judge of people. Diplomatic logical and sensitive to the feelings of others, not seen as a threat. Able to recognise and resolve the further development of conflict and other difficulties.Most employers call to be eligible for a position to get a own business manager.Goes into detail about how group plans would work.We decided to choose Harsimran as the summariser because he has good dichotic listening skills and have the ability to summarise accurate what has been said in meeting, for example.Ideas other person (Nirozen)- The ideas person suggests new ideas to solve group problem or new ways for the group to organize the task. He dislikes orthodoxy and not too concerned with practicalities.

Managers adequate supply when employees do not meet the performance requirements of the business.Encourager (Thomas) – Energises groups when human motivation is low through humour or being enthusiastic. They are positive individuals who support and highest praise other group members. They may use humour to break tensions in the group.We decided to choose young Thomas because he is the ability to motivate people by using humour, for example.He gives shape to the team effort. He recognises the skills of the individuals and how they can be used. Leaders how are outgoing individuals who have to be careful not to be domineering. They can sometimes german steamroller the team but get results.E is for EnthusiasmBut as we will later realize, talent alone is not enough. A knowledgeable team member must also be enthusiastic.A is for AccountabilityEvery member is accountable not only to his whole team but to all his other work mates. We are not responsible only of ourselves.